Answer this question… Tools and their use
The tools you would use to repair something would depend on what it was you wanted to repair. The tools you wold use to repair, for example, a kitchen wall would be very different from the tools you would use to anchor a door.
Well, there are many mobile or web tools you can use to as your Event orgasnizer
Aids mean tools so your question is what are the tools of communication. Anything that we use to communicate with other people are tools of communication for example telephone, email, fax, etc are aids/tools of communication.
Use the Magnification or Zoom tools in your main toolbar. Where and how the tools are used may depend on your operating system, browser, or word processing software.
Germans have a variety of things during the holidays. They will sometimes have specific types of food. They may also have varying amounts of lessons, or tools that they use to grow their faith.
they use tools
The answer is tools!
tools!what tools
what did the Comanche use for tools
Do Wandot use a aminal to tools and Wandot use Spencer Parker to use a tools
what did the Indians use for tools
they use microscopes and other tools
The same kinds of tools they use anywhere. -Tools are not part of a countries culture.
What did California Indians use as tools
what tools did the people use for the aboriginl arts