picture element
2. In media studies "word pixel" refers to the progression of information from words to pixels and to the study of the transformative effect of electronic media on traditional movable type. (J.L. Shear)
3. A pixel, for "picture element," is the smallest unit on the screen that can be turned on and off or made different shades. Pixels are tiny squares, not circles.
In digital imaging, a pixel is a single point in a raster image, or the smallest addressable screen element in a display device; it is the smallest unit of picture that can be represented or controlled
Complete level 50 of classic.
The word pixel was derived from 'picture element'. Pix is a popular short form for picture and el is the start of element.
Pixel is short for "picture element", the smallest discrete component on a screen.
picture element
The word pixel comes from "picture" and "element".
the word pixel comes from"picture"and "element".
Pixelus in greek
Elves (Christmas)Pixel (Computer)
Picture Element
1 mega pixel how many pixel