full form ofLEET
Bit is a binary digit; there is no full form of it.
alu full form in computer education
ITES stands for Information Technology Enabled Services. Its full forms are available for download at the Full Form Directory.
HRU:- hydrostatic release unit is the full form of HRU.
There is LPK & LPT in Tata motors. LP stands for Long Platform and 'K' denotes tippers and 'T' stands for type.
LPK was created in 1983.
LPK's population is 400.
Long platform truck
what is the full from of JCB how invent the JCB excavator
Semi forward chassis
Long Platform Truck FBT : Fully Built Trucks
The airport code for Lipetsk Airport is LPK.
The load in a full truck is mainly higher than the centre of gravity (COG) of the empty truck. As a result the COG of a full truck is higher. It is this than makes it easier to tip.
LPT means L stand for LOAD P stands for PASSENGER and T stand for TRUCK it means full form of LPT is LOAD PASSENGER CUM TRUCK.
Three examples are: Tract-Based Spatial Statistics. Tata Business Support Services Ltd. And there are TBSS truck owners.
The possessive form for the noun truck is truck's.Example: He wasn't injured in the accident, but the truck's front bumper fell off.