Sector sparing also known as sector remapping / sector forwarding remaps the disturbed / corrupted logical block with the available spare leaving everything else alone. Consider a track with eight sectors mapped to logical block 1 to 7. Sector 8 is not used and has been allocated for spare initially. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S S = spare sector Now consider sector 3 has been corrupted as a result sector remapping will result in allocation of spare (S) sector to logical block 3 : 1 2 C 4 5 6 7 3 C = corrupted sector Whereas sector slipping change mapping to skip over defective region. Considering the above example sector slipping will result the following arrangement: 1 2 C 3 4 5 6 7 C = corrupted sector
Due to the wide range of uses of computers they now have an Information Technoplogy Sector all to themselves
A multipartite virus is a combination of a boot sector virus and a file virus. It can hide in either type of program.
Dyson is a secondary sector because it manufactures its own patented hoovers and is not involved in the tertiary industry but because it sells hoovers to shops such as 'Comet' it does not sell any hoovers to the public but sells to major suppliers globally.
track sector cyllnder spiral
Identify the difference between primary sector and secondary sector
The difference between public sector and private sector is that when you're in the public sector you work for the government whereas private sector is not. Same applies to accounting.
public sector audit is different from private sector audit
public sector audit is different from private sector audit
Government agencies are in the public sector while government contractors are in the private sector.
Public sector uses public tax dollar and is not subject to the free market
Echoes from the blind sector have a chance to be received by the antenna, the ones from the blind are completley blocked, blinded because of a larger obstruction
Government corporations are in the public sector while government contractors are in the private sector.
your nan
The public sector is a government (city, state, national); the private sector is a business. Public sector jobs are publicly-funded (by taxes, for instance) whereas private sector jobs depend on the revenue of the business
Government is public sector. Corporations and partnerships are Private sector. The government wants to support both the public and private sector to improve the economy and well-offness of the people it serves.