Ipconfig shows IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default gateway for all adapters. Ipconfig /all shows the description of each network connection along with additional information such as your physical (MAC) address, DHCP connections, Lease times, as well as in-depth IPv6 information.
Ipconfig and Ping both are commands of command line interface (CLI) .IPconfig is used to display all network configuration values . Ping is used to check whether a host can send or receive packets.
ipconfig /release
To get your computers local network IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway typing ipconfig alone will display this information as shown below:ipconfigEthernet adapter Local Area Connection:Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : hsd1.ut.comcast.net.IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
ipconfig /renew if you're on windows
The syntax is built in already in DOS.To see a syntax of your command, just add /helpex: ipconfig /help and hit enterFirst, you must run an ipconfig command from the command prompt. This is done by going to Start -> Run and typing cmd, then clicking OK. Then in the black command prompt window you will type ipconfig with one of several options. If you just type ipconfig and hit enter then it will show you the basic information of your network adapters. This information will include your IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. For most people, this information will be enough. If you want all of the information regarding your network adapters type ipconfig /all. This will also give you your MAC Address, DNS servers, and whether your adapter receives it's address via DHCP.There are also other options you can use to try and repair a connection. The first is ipconfig /renew. If you type it just as is, it will try to get a new IP address for all network adapters that are using DHCP. Alternately, you can type ipconfig /renew ADAPTERNAME and it will just renew the IP address on the selected adapter. The next option is ipconfig /release CONNECTIONNAME. This will release the IP address that the selected connection is using. This will only work if that adapter is using DHCP and will leave the adapter without an address.The command can also be used to try and repair and DNS issues. You can use ipconfig /flushdns to purge all of your cached up DNS records. This can help if a site has had it's IP address changed in the recent past. Eventually this record will be updated, but this command can force an immediate update for all records. If you just want to see what DNS records have been registerd use the ipconfig /displaydns command.There are also some functions that can be used for displaying or modifying the class id's, but I have never seen a need to use these.First, you must run an ipconfig command from the command prompt. This is done by going to Start -> Run and typing cmd, then clicking OK. Then in the black command prompt window you will type ipconfig with one of several options. If you just type ipconfig and hit enter then it will show you the basic information of your network adapters. This information will include your IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. For most people, this information will be enough. If you want all of the information regarding your network adapters type ipconfig /all. This will also give you your MAC Address, DNS servers, and whether your adapter receives it's address via DHCP.There are also other options you can use to try and repair a connection. The first is ipconfig /renew. If you type it just as is, it will try to get a new IP address for all network adapters that are using DHCP. Alternately, you can type ipconfig /renew ADAPTERNAME and it will just renew the IP address on the selected adapter. The next option is ipconfig /release CONNECTIONNAME. This will release the IP address that the selected connection is using. This will only work if that adapter is using DHCP and will leave the adapter without an address.The command can also be used to try and repair and DNS issues. You can use ipconfig /flushdns to purge all of your cached up DNS records. This can help if a site has had it's IP address changed in the recent past. Eventually this record will be updated, but this command can force an immediate update for all records. If you just want to see what DNS records have been registerd use the ipconfig /displaydns command.There are also some functions that can be used for displaying or modifying the class id's, but I have never seen a need to use these.
IPConfig is an application in Microsoft. IPConfig displays all current network configuration values and can be used to modify a variety of network settings.
ipconfig /all
assuming that by down you mean get... ipconfig if you want all ip settings then ipconfig /all command ipconfig If you mean to disable or turn off the ip to disconnect from the internet then ipconfig /release
Here is an example of a batch file that carries out the command ipconfig. @echo off ipconfig /all pause exit
ipconfig /allipconfig /allipconfig /allipconfig /all
In the "run" box, type "DOS". at the dos prompt, type "ipconfig /all". There are other commands you can use with "ipconfig" just type "Ipconfig /?" for a list of commands.
Using The ipconfig Command in Command Prompt.SyntaxC:\Users\\ipconfigMain syntax - ipconfigThe proper syntax is IPCONFIG /allThe slash-all shows everything.Do a IPCONFIG /? for all the commands used.ipconfig
On Windows the command is IPCONFIG. That displays the configuration, though IPCONFIG /ALL displays everything. To do a DHCPREFRESH, type IPCONFIG /RENEW.
Click on Start > Run and then type cmd into the run box. A black command prompt will load and you will type ipconfig /all (note the space between ipconfig and /all. Scroll down until you see Default Gateway. That is your routers IP address.
Ipconfig and Ping both are commands of command line interface (CLI) .IPconfig is used to display all network configuration values . Ping is used to check whether a host can send or receive packets.
Ipconfig /all
ipconfig /all