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(Total STRs - STRs not mapped)/Total STRs * 100

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Q: What is test case efficiency?
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How can you test the efficiency of a plan in management?

it is the activity that not do to work already that is the test efficiency a plan

How will be conduct test on transformer?

Short circuit test and open circuit test are widely used to test the efficiency of the transformer.

Why the efficiency of generator is more than the motor in case of swinburne's test?

the generator windings are made of more thicker windings . Hence lesser resistance and lower Cu losses

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What do you use oil for?

energy in the case of fuels; and an increaser of efficiency in the case of a lubricant.

What does the recovery index test measures?

Respiration and Circulation Efficiency.

What did scientists do to test the energy efficiency of a kangaroos hop?

Boxing and Jumping

What is the definition of the term test case?

The term of "Test Case" is a legal term. A test case is a legal case which sets precedent for other cases which have the same question of law involved.

How the joint efficiency related to radigraphy test?

If joint efficiency is 0.7 then there is no radiography,if it is 0.85 then 10% radiography of the total length of welding and if joint efficiency is 1.0 then 100% radiography is required.

What are the advantages of OC and SC test compared to load test?

> Predetermination of regulation. > Predetermination of efficiency. > Less power loss.

What is swinburne's test of DC shunt motor?

swinburne's test on dc shunt machine is to predetermine the efficiency of the dc machine , but it is not accurate it is just like estimation of efficiency of dc shunt machine when it is run as a motor and a generator............................

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