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This is maintenance that will improve the performance of the ICT system. Usually this will involve adding features not originally present to the software to make it produce the information from a database faster or to improve the speed of a network

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Q: What is perfective maintenance?
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What is the difference between adaptive and perfective maintenance?

Adaptive maintenance is where the programmer modifies existing software to suit new tasks.Perfective maintenance, on the other hand, is where the programmer modifies software to make it perform better.

What are the different types of maintenance systemst?

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What is software maintenance explain its types in software engin?

Software Maintenance : is the activity of modifying the software product after delivery ; in order to correct faults, improve performance and to improve other attributes ( attributes of a good software ) .Software maintenance is a vital element in SDLC . Normally and more often done by the developers / or software maintainers ( of the software service provider / the software company ) .Types of software maintenance : there were only three few years back, but present there are FOUR ( 4 ) types of software maintenance types / kinds are defined .Corrective Maintenance - corrective maintenance means a REACTIVE modification, done in the software product after the delivery . The purpose of corrective maintenance is to correct / or fix discovered ( or user reported ) problems in the system .Adaptive Maintenance - adaptive maintenance is also a modification done after delivery, in order to keep the software product usable in changing ( or changed ) environments / business environments . If this is not done properly by the time of change, business opportunities will be lost .Perfective Maintenance - a software should be efficient / less resource consuming / and should be easy to cope with . Perfective maintenance is done in order to improve the software performance ( after a change in the software or / the environment, the performance of the software changes ) . Also improving the maintainability is a concern .Preventive Maintenance - of course as it sounds, it's just PREVENTING . Preventive Maintenance is done, to detect and correct latent ( not developed ) faults before they become effective faults . This simply means the prevention of future problems .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXTRA READING :Software maintenance sounds like, " ONLY ERROR CORRECTING ", but IT'S NOT that . 80% of the software maintenance is NON - CORRECTIVE activities ( activities which are not used to correct faults, but for other purposes ) . However, software maintenance issues can be seen in two perspectives, one is managerial issues and the other is technical issues . Managerial issues can be alignment with customer priorities, managing the staff, estimations . Technical issues may be limited understanding, impact analysis and testing .In software maintenance, SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE PLAN and SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE PROCESS are also KEY considerations . Software maintenance plan is the pre planning which should be very accurate ( this plan includes about user's requirement changes / or change requests, budget etc ) . Software maintenance process is the sequence of steps followed during the software maintenance process . which includes,Implementation ProcessProblem and modification analysis processProcess acceptance of the modificationThe migration processLast maintenance processetc ...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you liked this article,CHEERS !Dileesha Mebox

What is software maintainance?

Software maintenance is an important component of software development. Maintenance involves debugging the software, and releasing periodic updates to correct problems and make the software work better.

What are the different types of computer maintenance?

In my opinion and in a professional way I recommend to you the best leading companies in providing a system utility that includes a set of powerful maintenance features to improve Mac which is ..]]]

What is an Aorist?

An aorist is a verb in the past tense and aorist aspect - the event described by the verb viewed as a completed whole. It is also known as the perfective past.

What words start with the prefix perf?

Some words that start with the prefix "perf" are perfect, perform, and perfective.

What is perfective management?

A managerial approach which is concerned about making organizations or companies fully-operated and eliminate every tiny mistake in the business. Note: this is my own analysis.

How do you spell hearing in the past tense?

The past tense of the verb "hear" is "heard". If you mean the word as in, "My hearing is quite good," the word is a gerund in that case, and has no past tense. The compound auxiliary verb progressive "be hearing" has the past tense "was hearing", perfective "have heard" has the past tense "had heard", and progressive-perfective "have been hearing" has the past tense "had been hearing".

What does the prefix 'ge' mean?

The prefix geo- means "Earth." Ge- is a common Germanic perfective prefix, now extinct in English except in some fossilized words such as y-clept ( "called").

What are Differences between room maintenance and maintenance of public area?

what are the different between room maintenance and maintenance of public area