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A parametric cubic curve is a cubic curve made up of two equations. For example an x(t) part, and a y(t) part. They may also be known as 'Bezier' curves. Parametric equations are generally controlled by a 't' value. A Google search of 'parametric cubic' may also give you some more information.

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Q: What is parametric cubic curve?
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What is a Bézier curve?

A Bézier curve is a parametric curve defiend by a set of control points, two of which are the ends of the curve, and the others determine its shape.

How do you know whether data requires you to use a parametric or non parametric test?

Parametric tests assume that your data are normally distributed (i.e. follow a classic bell-shaped "Gaussian" curve). Non-parametric tests make no assumption about the shape of the distribution.

What video game uses parametric equations?

Parametric equations are a way of expressing the points of a curve as the function of a set parameter. Any game that displays modern scaling graphics using a form of parametric equation.

What is a bezier?

A bezier is another term for a Bézier curve, a parametric curve defiend by a set of control points, two of which are the ends of the curve, and the others determine its shape.

What are examples of parametric and nonparametric statistical tests?

Parametric statistical tests assume that your data are normally distributed (follow a classic bell-shaped curve). An example of a parametric statistical test is the Student's t-test.Non-parametric tests make no such assumption. An example of a non-parametric statistical test is the Sign Test.

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Why are parametric eqautions bad?

In mathematics, parametric equations of a curve express the coordinates of the points of the curve as functions of a variable, called a parameter.[1][2] For example,are parametric equations for the unit circle, where t is the parameter. Together, these equations are called a parametric representation of the curve.A common example occurs in kinematics, where the trajectory of a point is usually represented by a parametric equation with time as the parameter.The notion of parametric equation has been generalized to surfaces, manifolds and algebraic varieties of higher dimension, with the number of parameters being equal to the dimension of the manifold or variety, and the number of equations being equal to the dimension of the space in which the manifold or variety is considered (for curves the dimension is one and one parameter is used, for surfaces dimension two and two parameters, etc.).The parameter typically is designated t because often the parametric equations represent a physical process in time. However, the parameter may represent some other physical quantity such as a geometric variable, or may merely be selected arbitrarily for convenience. Moreover, more than one set of parametric equations may specify the same curve.

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Definition of Parametric modeling?

it is the molding that is parametric

Define parametric and non parametric tests?

bota !

The number of normals to the parabola from a point which lies outside?

We can draw 3 normals to a parabola from a given point as the equation of normal in parametric form is a cubic equation.

Is chi-square test parametric or non-parametric?

non-parametric I believe the above is a reductionistic assumption bassed upon ill-informed logic. Chi-square is a statistic that is related to the central limit theorem in the sense that proportions are in fact means, and that proportions are normally distributed (with a mean of pi [not 3.141592653...] and a variance of pi*(1-pi)). Therefore, we can perform a normal curve test for examining the difference between proportions such that Z squared = chi square on one degree of freedom. Since Z is indubitably a parametric test, and chi square can be related to Z, we can infer that it is, in fact, parametric. From another approach, a parametric test is a test that makes an assumption about the value of a parameter (the measure of the population rather than your sample) in a statistical density function. Since our expected frequencies are based upon either theory, or a mathematical assumption based upon the average of our presented frequencies, i.e. the mean, we are making an assumption about what the parameter of our distribution would be. Therefore, given this assumption, and the relationship of chi square to the normal curve, one can argue for chi square being a parametric test.