Interrupts are essential to the operation of a computer because they allow it to process service requests. Interrupts tell the computer to stop whatever it is doing and start some other task, such as handing the keyboard or mouse movement. When the task is complete, the interrupt finishes and the computer resumes whatever it was doing previously. Interrupt vectors allow for compatibility, since interrupt numbers can be standardized, and different interrupt code installed for similar devices from different vendors.
An interrupt vector table separates a hardware device that has events from the code that will process that event. A device (i.e. network card, keyboard, mouse, etc) generates an event and that event needs to trigger a message into some software application. That message might ultimately be ignored, but the responsibility of the hardware is to get that event into the computer. Hardware devices simply change state when events happen which then causes a memory mapped location for the hardware to change.
This change then triggers the OS to perform a simple look-up in the interrupt vector table and jump at the machine level to the machine code that will handle the interrupt. The machine code to handle the interrupt is known as the device driver or interrupt handler. That code will read any memory mapped locations related to the event and pass that information on to higher level software routines.
The simplicity of the interrupt vector table allows a complete separation between hardware devices and software OS. This is what allows a USB mouse to be used on different OS on a single machine or across different hardware architectures (i.e. Mac, Intel PC, etc).
The necessary evil of this scheme is that you can't use a device with an OS if there is no device driver for that OS. This is particularly frustrating to users who have a device that has a driver with one version of an OS "X", upgrades the OS to the next version "X+1", and finds that the driver philosophy has changed in "X+1" and the device can no longer be used.
RTMP- Routing Table Maintenance Protocol.
Vector interrupt --> when processor directly call the respective isr when interrupt occurs so, address of respective isr is usually save in register. Non interrupt Vector --> In this case when interrupt occurs the processor calls a generic isr and in generic isr uaer has to call respective isr by checking status register.
interrupt is a disturbance ,and request to do various jobs unusually while executed to be in current process in a system
interrupts in 8085 are basically classified into two types: 1.Maskable 2.Non maskable maskable interrupts are those which can be delayed.This is done by masking off the interrupts which are not required. Maskable interrupts are:RST 7.5,RST 6.5,RST 5.5 and INTR <decreasing order of priority>
interrupt handling is the process of handling a break or interrupt called by a program where as exception handling is for handling some exceptional conditions that'll occur when a program is running
Interrupt vector table
An interrupt vector is the memory address of an interrupt handler, or an index into an array called an interrupt vector table or dispatch table. Interrupt vector tables contain the memory addresses of interrupt handlers. When an interrupt is generated, the processor saves its execution state via a context switch, and begins execution of the interrupt handler at the interrupt vector.
In the 8086/8088, the interrupt vector table is the first 1024 bytes of memory. In the 8085, the interrupt vector table is the first 64 bytes of memory if using the RST form of interrupt, otherwise the interrupt vector is provided by the interrupting device, usually in the form of a CALL instruction. The interrupt handler is wherever the interrupt vector points to.
There are 256 different interrupt vectors in the 8086/8088. Each vector is a far CS:IP address, which is four bytes. That makes the interrupt vector table 1,024 bytes.
The interrupt vector table in the 8086/8088 is the first 1024 bytes in memory. There are 256 vectors, each containing 4 bytes, CS:IP, for each possible interrupt source.
interrupt vector table
VECTOR INTERRUPT If the interrupt is assigned to any predefined branching address to its ISR it is termed as vector interrupt. NON VECTOR INTERRUPT If the interrupt is not assigned to any predefined branching address to its ISR it is termed as non-vector interrupt. PRIYAKRISH
Yes, the interrupt vector is inside the kernel.
If the interrupt is not assigned any predefined branching address to its ISR it is termed as non interrupt vector
these are the block of code which tell the OS that a specific interrupt has arrived or to send interrupt request to some particular task. Interrupt is to stop the normal execution of the program and process the interrupt first according to it's priority in the interrupt vector table.
The 8086 interrupt table is from 0000h to 03FFh for interrupt 0 through interrupt 255. It is common practice to design systems that use only the lower-numbered interrupts and then use the upper part of the interrupt table for code or data. For more information see:
The 5.5 in RST 5.5 means that the interrupt vector is located between RST 5 and RST 6.