hackscape is a pethetic version of the number 1 most popular mmorpg game named runescape(play at runescape.com) only reasone people play hackscape
is because you have free membership
hope i helped :)
No HackScape is free to play @ www.HackScape.org
Yes hackscape is virus free i have been playing for over a year and have had no problems with it
it is ::pure
Just write ::pure
If you are talking about the private server then yes, everyone is a member.
Hmmm, I Think Godzhell Or Hackscape Are The Best Ones. Although Godzhell Is Very Mixed Up, But Has Very Good Money And Items, Hackscape Is Alot Better Than Godzhell, But Hackscape Restarts And You Lose All Your Items And Levels, Leaving Godzhell Non-Restarting. But To Find More Private Servers, Go To Eyrescape.net.
Hackscape is a private server created by a random player of Runescape ( you can't trust in case of viruses ).Runescape is Created by Jagex and is official, meaning its completely safe to use 100% virus free.
It's called Hackscape, but it is a scam.
you cant it is not a 317 server anymore so now you need to get a effective dupe bug. I dont know were to get that from.
Hackscape may keep retrying due to poor internet connection, server issues, or incorrect login credentials. Try refreshing the page, checking your internet connection, and ensuring that you are entering the correct information to resolve the issue.
i have the same problem some crapy other website comes up i am kind of sad