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Dynamically, as related to a routing protocol is a type of networking technique whereby the routing protocol creates, updates and maintains the dynamic routing table.

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Q: What is dynamically as related to a routing protocol?
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Why routing protocol is needed?

Routing protocol is used to dynamically learn routing information so routers know where to send packets. The only other option is to manually define all routers within a network which would be very impractical.

What protocol is RIP?

RIP stands for routing information protocol. It is an intra domain routing protocol.

What is RIP routing protocol?

RIP is a routing protocol - a protocol (set of rules) that allows a router to exchange information, with other routers, about existing routes.

What three routing protocols are distance vector routing protocols?

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) are two very popular Distance Vector routing protocols

What is the characteristic of a classless routing protocol?

A classless routing protocol can route between subnets

What does the passive command provide to dynamic routing protocols?

Perhaps you mean the "passive-interface" command in Cisco routers; what this does is that no information related to the routing protocol will be sent through the specified interface. For example, the interface that connects your network to the ISP should not carry any routing protocol information, since the routing protocol is only useful within your company's network.

What protocol enables routers to build tables of routing information?

Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

Which routing protocol is cisco proprietary?

IGRP - Interior Gateway Routing Protocol EIGRP- Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

Which protocol used for routing?

A routing protocol is a protocol that routers use to tell each other about available routes. Some of the routing protocols include RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP.

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What is the name of the distance vector routing protocol for Apple Talk?

RTMP- Routing Table Maintenance Protocol.

What are routing protocols Why do you need them Name a few?

A routing protocol is a formula that specifies how routers are communicating to each others. Types of routing protocols include Interior Gateway Protocol, Distance vector protocol and Classful or classless protocol. Routing protocols are required to determine the appropriate paths for data transmission.