If I understood yr question correctly, you want to know answer for College.
Below are the some entity for college?
1. College (Name,Address,City, State,Zip etc)
2. Tearchers
3. Courses
4. Students
Now, what is entity relaionship..
basically relationship between entity..
1. Teacher association with College
2. Which teacher teach which subject
3. Which student attend which course etc..
I really like Gane-Sarson's treatment of Entity Relationships. Search for that. As a general rule, you should identify the entities and what they provide and expect. University entities should include the Registrars Office, Financial Aid, Student Records, Classes, Buildings, Professors, Students, Service Providers, etc. It IS a big deal. Good luck! You might also want to search for SCT Banner. They do quite a bit of university software, it is Oracle based.
a department employs many employees
I 'm need ER diagram for websit news
analysis of registration system
Foreign keys isnt drawn at a ER-diagram. The relation drawn between entities is enough to show, that der is at foreign key
Inner circuit diagram view of the intelligance library management system by using RFID
There are several different places in which an Er-Diagram can be found. Photobucket has pictures of Er-Diagrams that can be examples for a College Management System Project.
please give college data base e r diagram
Er diagram of human resource managenent system
er diagram for rto management system
entity relationship diagram on banking system?
try www.wikipedia.com which will help you for making ER - Diagram ....and copy past given link below in your browser for detailed description about ER - Diagram :http://www.infocom.cqu.edu.au/Courses/spr2000/95169/Extra_Examples/ERD.htm
e-r digram for baking system
An ER diagram is an entity-relationship diagram they show individuals and their links to each other. An ER diagram for a hospital management system would be a flow chart showing hospital staff, equipment, patients, records and more.
E-R diagram
An ER diagram of a college transport system would typically include entities such as Student, Driver, Vehicle, Route, and Booking. Relationships between these entities would show how students book rides, assign drivers to vehicles, and track routes taken. Attributes for each entity might include student ID, driver license number, vehicle number, route ID, and booking timestamp.