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Each web server has a directory. Index htm or index html is the default page name in that directory. The main page or homepage should have the extension index htm.
Their are multiple lists of free web directories out there. A few names of these free web directories are among many others: So Much, A1 Web Directory, Illumirate, Classifieds 1000, Web World Index, and many more of these.
CD stands for "change directory". For instance, if you are in the directory of c:\files\ and you want to navigate to a folder within the "files" directory called "documents", you can type "cd documents" to change the directory you are in. Once you've done that you will be at c:\files\documents\. Inversely you can use "cd.." to go back to the parent directory "files".
lightweight directory access protocol
Index.htm is a default file that Web Browsers look for in a URL's directory. It is the first file that it will open when you go to a URL without specifying a particular web page. Your browser will look for Index.htm or Index.php. In most cases, typing in a URL both with and without /index.htm after it will result in the same page appearing on the screen.
the telephone directory is a book but the web directory is in a computer
Web Directories are used as a directory on the International Web. A Web Directory is a directory that specializes in linking to other websites and grouping those links.
I think this is free web directory
A web directory is a website that contains links to websites ordered by categories. A telephone directory is a listing of phone numbers ordered by location and name. Nowadays there are new web directories that list websites based on location using for instance Google Maps.
Journal of Web Semantics was created in 2003.
Best of the Web directory
It is human-edited web directory in Bangladesh.
Can play games
The web address of the Wilson Historical Society is:
The website is the most visited directory on the web. Yahoo Business is close behind in the rankings.
you may go to a web directory and there are lots of links to other websites which you may visit. So, judging by this, you may say that a web directory, is a website, that helps you to go to another website. There are lots website directory on the internet. You just need to search in google for the term "web directory".