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Plain text is basically text without any add-ons or formatting...So, this would be plain text right here...but when I add bold and italic, I make it into more detailed and interesting text.

In many email and instant messaging programs, you have the ability to CHOOSE your "plain" or "basic" text. This just means that whatever text that shows up on your screen is the font that you choose.

Good luck!

In the context of cryptography, plain text means unencrypted. This would be that data that is to be encrypted, or the results after you have successfully decrypted it.

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Q: What is Plain Text?
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Plain text has no extra atribut like font, bold... etc. Rich text has those extra atribut.

Is plain text a valid HTML?

No. Valid HTML requires at least these tags:HTML example... content goes here ...The body content can be plain text. But after adding these tags, the document is not plain text anymore.

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An RSS feed is a plain text file. There's no conversion necessary.

Is encryption crackable?

Encryption is converting plain text into cipher text . Yes, encryption can be cracked and then the text can be decrypted.

Pages in HTML are writtin in plain text why is that and why is important?

HTML file is designed to improve website interface. It's in plain text for simplicity and enforce standardization.

Make a sentence with the word plain?

Elements can contain plain text, other elements, or both.

Is there no formatting information in a plain text file?

That is correct.

What does txt file extension mean?

The file is just a plain text file. Txt is an abbreviation for text.