This is usually used to describe the Internet. A few computers connected together is a computer network. A few computer networks connected together is a network of networks.
PAN stands for Personal Area Network in computer networks(area wise classified networks)
in the context of networks , the term ________________usually refers to a personal computer connected to a network .
a bridge way is a computer that is used to connect two networks
Jeremiah F. Hayes has written: 'Modeling and analysis of computer communications networks' -- subject(s): Computer networks, Local area networks (Computer networks), Mathematical models
Laura A. Chappell has written: 'Hands-On Cisco' 'Novell's guide to LAN/WAN analysis' -- subject(s): Computer network protocols, Local area networks (Computer networks), NetWare, Wide area networks (Computer networks)
Petar I. Slapnicar has written: 'Computer aided nonlinear electrical networks analysis' -- subject(s): Electric networks, Computer simulation, Electric circuits, Computer programs
V. C. Marney-Petix has written: 'Internetworking' -- subject(s): Computer input-output equipment, Computer networks, Wide area networks (Computer networks), Local area networks (Computer networks), Data transmission systems 'Networking and data communications' -- subject(s): Computer networks, Data transmission systems 'Mastering internetworking' -- subject(s): Computer networks, Wide area networks (Computer networks), Internetworking (Telecommunication), Local area networks (Computer networks) 'Bridges, routers, gateways!' -- subject(s): Equipment and supplies, Bridges (Computer networks), Local area networks (Computer networks), Routers (Computer networks), Wide area networks (Computer networks), Gateways (Computer networks), Internetworking (Telecommunication)
social networks . or The internet computer networks
A DHCP server will assign IP addresses, and other network parameters, automatically, to computers who ask for it. In Windows, if you select that you want the computer to get an IP address automatically, it will try to get the IP address (and other parameters) from a DHCP server.The idea is to reduce the amount of configuration required for each computer, especially in larger networks.
Not to be confused with packet analyzer or telecom network protocol analyzer.ZVA40 vector network analyser from Rohde & Schwarz.A network analyzer is an instrument that measures the network parameters of electrical networks. Today, network analyzers commonly measure s-parameters becausereflection and transmission of electrical networks are easy to measure at high frequencies, but there are other network parameter sets such as y-parameters, z-parameters, and h-parameters. Network analyzers are often used to characterize two-port networks such as amplifiers and filters, but they can be used on networks with an arbitrary number of ports.Source:
There are NO GATES in computer networks... So, ask next question...
environmental science and engineering object oriented analysis and design operating systems computer networks telecommunication systems dbms
Networks were developed as a communication method between computers at remote sites
Computer networks consist of multiple computers and other electrical devices linked together
2. What is different between computer networks and internetwork?