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One major disadvantage of multimedia is information overload. Because, it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information at once. Another disadvantage is time. Even though it is flexible, it takes time to put an original draft together.

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10y ago
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11y ago

There are a couple of advantages and disadvantages to using multimedia in communication.


· It is very user-friendly. It doesn't take much energy out of the user, in the sense that you can sit and watch the presentation; you can read the text and hear the audio.

· It is multi sensorial. It uses a lot of the user's senses while making use of multimedia, for example hearing, seeing and talking.

· It is integrated and interactive. All the different mediums are integrated through the digitisation process. Interactivity is heightened by the possibility of easy feedback.

· It is flexible. Being digital, this media can easily be changed to fit different situations and audiences.

· It can be used for a wide variety of audiences, ranging from one person to a whole group.


· Information overload. Because it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information at once.

· It takes time to compile. Even though it is flexible, it takes time to put the original draft together.

· It can be expensive. Multimedia makes use of a wide range of resources, which can cost you a large amount of money.

· Too much makes it unpractical. Large files like video and audio has an effect of the time it takes for your presentation to load. Adding too much can mean that you have to use a larger computer to store the files.

· In case you want to upload it onto the internet, there are a few factors to keep in mind, for example bandwidth and the user's abilities.

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10y ago

A multimedia system is capable of handling multimedia data and applications such as texts, images, sounds, videos and animations. Some disadvantages of using it are: it is expensive, difficult to configure and requires special hardware.

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12y ago

1. Some presenters focus on creation of media in place of focusing on creating a clear message

2. Sometimes presenters overuse media, creating a confused jumble of messages or an audience focused on media rather than message content

3. Reliance on media can leave the impression that the presenter does not really understand the subject and is just reading slides to the audience.

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10y ago

Advantages: User friendly, Multi sensorial, Integration and Interactivity i-e different mediums are integrated, Flexible, Can be used for many audiences. Disadvantages: Information overload, Expensive, Can be time consuming.

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11y ago

* involvement from the user

* easier to use and more economical compared to other

* makes the work more realistic in less effort

we can save the time

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10y ago

One disadvantage of multimedia communication is equipment failure. Lost productivity as well as multimedia quality can also come into play.

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