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A computers top three parts according to the standards of PC's in 2008.

1]A motherboard comes first with the design around CPU and Memory with the video/sound/lan and tons of other parts automatically an essiential part of the package you purchase.

2]The HDD/DVD drives have finally seen new changes in both with the additions of BluRay High definition drive and solid state hard drives. These come in as number two because the last part is really a 2 step process.

3]Any operating system can be installed with the first two items in place. The latest version of Vista has almost crossed over as a full bodied platform when it comes to technology, but they still offer server software seperately. Other OS like Linux have all needed components to run as a PC or Server and a copy of Windows that is bootable(to boot).
The CPU has three main parts...

  • The A.L.U. (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) which performs all the calculations.
  • The Control Unit - which controls the flow of data round the computer by sending out control signals.
  • Memory - which is used to store data.
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