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Extrude a circle along a polyline shaped like the wire hanger.

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Selina Corwin

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∙ 3y ago
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∙ 4mo ago

To create a wire coat hanger in a 3-D CAD software, you would typically use the "extrude" function. This function allows you to take a 2D sketch of the coat hanger profile and extrude it along a path to give it depth and create a 3D model. You may also utilize the "fillet" function to round off edges and corners for a more realistic look. Finally, the "pattern" function can be used to replicate the hanger design multiple times along a specified direction to create a series of hangers.

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∙ 13y ago

The sweep command will be your best bet.

First you have to draw the "path" for the coat hanger to follow, essentially a spline or polyline that goes through the middle of the wire. Then, you have to draw the cross section, a circle the diameter of the wire, perpendicular to the beginning of the path. Then choose sweep, click the circle as the object to be swept, click the long line as the path, and it should work!

That's the best way I can think of! Hope it works!

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∙ 14y ago

Extrude a circle along a polyline shaped like the wire hanger.

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∙ 13y ago

The sweep function is probably the best bet.

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∙ 14y ago

Draw a coat hanger using Polylines, then Extrude a small circle along the entire length of the Polyline.

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∙ 11y ago

sweep, loft, revolve

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Q: What 3-D CAD function could be used to cread a wire coat hanger?
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What is function of primer?

A primer is a starting point. In my early school days, we passed through primers 1 to 4 in which we picked up the skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, and rudimentary grammar.A primer in a munition is a small amount of unstable explosive (mercury fulminate etc) which then initiated the main charge to burn explosively.A primer in painting is a paint coat designed to prepare the surface to be able to accept a further coat of high quality.

What is ARCnet?

ARCNET (also CamelCased as ARCnet, an acronym from Attached Resource Computer NETwork) is a local area network (LAN) protocol, similar in purpose to Ethernet or Token Ring. ARCNET was the first widely available networking system for microcomputers and became popular in the 1980s for office automation tasks. It has since gained a following in the embedded systems market, where certain features of the protocol are especially useful. Original ARCNET used RG-62/U coax cable of 93Ω impedance and either passive or active hubs in a star-wired bus topology, a layout eventually copied by modern twisted pair Ethernet LANs. At the time of its greatest popularity ARCNET enjoyed two major advantages over Ethernet. One was the star-wired bus; this was much easier to build and expand (and was more readily maintainable) than the clumsy linear bus Ethernet of the time. Another was cable distance - ARCNET coax cable runs could extend 2000 feet (610 m) between active hubs or between an active hub and an end node, while the RG-58 (50Ω) 'thin' Ethernet most widely used at that time was limited to a maximum run of 600 feet (183 m) from end to end. Of course, ARCNET required either an active or passive hub between nodes if there were more than two nodes in the network, while thin Ethernet allowed nodes to be spaced anywhere along the linear coax cable, but the ARCNET passive hubs were very inexpensive. Passive hubs limited the distance between node and active hub to 100 feet (30 m). More importantly, the "interconnected stars" cabling topology made it easy to add and remove nodes without taking the whole network down, and much easier to diagnose and isolate failures within a complex LAN. To mediate access to the bus, ARCNET uses a token passing scheme, a bit different from that used by Token Ring. When peers are inactive, a single "token" message is passed around the network from machine to machine, and no peer is allowed to use the bus unless it has the token. If a particular peer wishes to send a message, it waits to receive the token, sends its message, and then passes the token on to the next station. Because ARCNET is implemented as a distributed star, the token cannot be passed machine to machine around a ring. Instead, each node is assigned an 8 bit address (usually via DIP switches), and when a new node joins the network a "reconfig" occurs, wherein each node learns the address of the node immediately above it. The token is then passed directly from one node to the next. Historically, each approach had its advantages: ARCNET added a small delay on an inactive network as a sending station waited to receive the token, but Ethernet's performance degraded drastically if too many peers attempted to broadcast at the same time, due to the time required for the slower processors of the day to process and recover from collisions. ARCNET had slightly lower best-case performance (viewed by a single stream), but was much more predictable. ARCNET also has the advantage that it achieved its best aggregate performance under the highest loading, approaching asymptotically its maximum throughput. While the best case performance was less than Ethernet, the general case was equivalent and the worst case was dramatically better. An Ethernet network could collapse when too busy due to excessive collisions. An ARCNET would keep on going at normal (or even better) throughput. Throughput on a multi-node collision-based Ethernet was limited to between 40% and 60% of bandwidth usage (depending on source). Although 2.5 Mbit/s ARCNET could at one time outperform a 10 Mbit/s Ethernet in a busy office on slow processors, ARCNET ultimately gave way to Ethernet as improved processor speeds reduced the impact of collisions on overall throughput, and Ethernet costs dropped. In the early 1980s ARCNET was much cheaper than Ethernet, in particular for PCs. For example in 1985 SMC sold ARCNET cards for around $300 whilst an Ungermann-Bass Ethernet card plus transceiver could cost $500. Another significant difference is that ARCNET provides the sender with a concrete acknowledgment (or not) of successful delivery at the receiving end before the token passes on to the next node, permitting much faster fault recovery within the higher level protocols (rather than having to wait for a timeout on the expected replies). ARCnet also doesn't waste network time transmitting to a node not ready to receive the message, since an initial inquiry (done at hardware level) establishes that the recipient is able and ready to receive the larger message before it is sent across the bus. One further advantage that ARCNET enjoyed over collision-based Ethernet is that it guarantees equitable access to the bus by everyone on the network. Although it might take a short time to get the token depending on the number of nodes and the size of the messages currently being sent about, you will always receive it within a predictable maximum time; thus it is deterministic. This made ARCNET an ideal real-time networking system, which explains its use in the embedded systems and process control markets. Token Ring has similar qualities, but is much more expensive to implement than ARCNET. In spite of ARCNET's deterministic operation and historic suitability for real-time environments such as process control, the general availability of switched gigabit Ethernet and Quality of service capabilities in Ethernet switches has all but eliminated ARCNET today. At first the system was deployed using RG-62/U coax cable (commonly used in IBM mainframe environments to connect 3270 terminals and controllers), but later added support for twisted-pair and fibre media. At ARCNET's lower speeds (2.5 Mbit/s), Cat-3 cable is good enough to run ARCNET. Some ARCNET twisted-pair products supported cable runs over 2000' on standard CAT-3 cable, far beyond anything Ethernet could do on any kind of copper cable. (Indeed, ARCNET has been demonstrated running successfully across coat hanger wire!)[citation needed] In the early 90s, Thomas-Conrad Corporation developed a 100 Mbit/s topology called TCNS based on the ARCNET protocol, which also supported RG-62, twisted-pair, and fiber optic media. TCNS enjoyed some success until the availability of lower-cost 100 Mbit/s Ethernet put an end to the general deployment of ARCNET.

How do you print something on an object?

There are many techniques for printing onto solid objects and each method has its own benefits. One of the simplest techniques is screen printing and has been in use for many years. It is still widely used. The first step is to transfer an image onto a silk mesh stretched across a frame. The silk has now been replaced by synthetic materials. The mesh has a photo sensitive coating applied. The image is exposed onto the mesh and then the coating is washed away to leave a copy of the image in the mesh. An ink in the form of a gel is placed on the mesh and the screen placed in contact with the object to be printed. As the ink is wiped across the screen, ink will pass through the mesh and coat the object in the same shape as the original image. The ink is allowed to dry naturally or in an oven and it hardens and becomes fixed to the object. There are many variations to the screen, the inks and the way ink is transferred to an object but the principles remain similar. Although the principles have always been very simple, good screen printers have gained experience over many years. As with so many other skills, screen printing is easy but doing it well takes a lot of skill and practice.

How do you remove scratches from LCD screen?

Some suggest rubbing it with toothpaste and a piece of clean cotton but it could be a bad idea. A cracked or broken LCD displayis not repairable and requires a new LCD screen to be replaced. You can replace the screen yourself (it is surprisingly easy to replace even if you are not a technical person). Replacing your laptop screen on your own is a great way to save money not only on the cost of the laptop screen, but the cost of labor as well.

How do you stay safe with a try square?

I assume you mean triforce. It is impossible to stay safe in the presence of the triforce.The Triforce (トライフォース, Toraifōsu?), also called "Power of the Gods" (神の力, Kami no Chikara?) and the "Golden Triangle" (黄金の大三角, Kogane no Dai Sankaku?) in the game Twilight Princess, is a triangular sacred relic that represents the essences of the Golden Goddesses. It is made up of three smaller triangles known as the Triforce of Wisdom (知恵のトライフォース, Chie no Toraifōsu?), Triforce of Power (力のトライフォース, Chikara no Toraifōsu?) and Triforce of Courage (勇気のトライフォース, Yūki no Toraifōsu?). Each of these embody the essence of their respective goddess, and bestow certain boons on their bearers. In most of its appearances, the Triforce or its pieces, manifest as a marking on the hands of their bearers. These markings resonate when near each other, and the Triforce pieces can emerge from their bearers.When united, the Triforce allows one who touches it to make a wish that lasts until he dies or the wish is fulfilled. However, if the one who finds it does not possess a balance of the three virtues it represents, the pieces split into its three components and the finder is left with the one which represents the characteristic he values most; the other two pieces do likewise with two other characters "chosen by destiny." Ganon makes it his goal to obtain the Triforce in various games, often having a single piece himself that he uses to further his goals.The Triforce of Power holds the presence of Din, the goddess of Power, and radiates the physical, and magical power of its bearer. It is usually associated with Ganon, who is power-hungry. The Triforce of Wisdom embodies the essence of Nayru, the goddess of Wisdom, and amplifies the wisdom and mystical powers of its bearer. It is usually associated with Princess Zelda, whose great wisdom brings peace and prosperity to Hyrule. The Triforce of Courage embodies the essence of Farore, the goddess of Courage, and seems to amplify the courage and adventuring skills of its bearer. It is usually associated with Link, the main protagonist of the series, who bravely defends Hyrule from Ganon.This ancient relic in A Link To The Past was sealed away and protected in the sacred realm by the seven wise men.The design of the Triforce resembles a traditional Japanese kamon, an emblem used similarly as a coat of arms in European culture. In particular, it resembles the Hōjō clan kamon, the Mitsu-uroko, a stylized depiction of three fish or dragon scales. Additionally, it resembles the Sierpinski triangle fractal, the Delta Machinery logo, the new member pledge pin of the Delta Delta Delta sorority, and the logo of the Fischer company. The Triforce is per se a simple fractal.The Triforce design is paid homage in the design of Gideon Graves' logo in the Scott Pilgrim universe, though it is inverted and triangular letter Gs fill the points. This design is used both in the graphic novel series and the 2010 film adaptation.-from Wikipedia

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Because the fire is making the coat hanger hot because the fire is hot The metal coat hanger is a good conductor of heat.

Can a coat hanger be used as a distributor wire?

A coat hanger is a horrible conductor of electric current. Doubt if it would work. Also most distributor wires are hot. Since coat hangers aren't coated it could easily ground out.

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The tip of a coat-hanger could work if you did it right.

What is the difference between a coat hanger and a regular hanger?

A clothes hanger is generally smaller than a coat hanger. A clothes hanger can also be made to fit the size of clothing--as an example, baby clothing uses baby-sized hangers. A true coat hanger is often larger and made of thicker, stronger metal to hold the weight of heavier material.

What bridge is sometimes call the coat hanger?

The Sydney Harbour Bridge, because its shape resembles an old-fashioned coat hanger.

Did Cinderella have babies?

No she got an abortion using the old coat hanger trick. No she got an abortion using the old coat hanger trick.

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How big is a coat hanger?

16 inches