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What are you trying to sort? Are you trying to consolidate or organize? To organize your files try using Dr Utilz or FileSieve 3.0 to sort through your directories and organize them as you see fit.

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Q: Program to sort files in directory?
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Is it true or false that a directory is a type of file?

A directory is also known as a folder. It is not a file, rather it is where files are stored. Generally many directories make up a program. And many files are contained in each directory.

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This is not strictly true; the way the program may have been written it may save files in the bin directory but that is not usual or standard. When you write a program to save files to a directory you can specify a relative or an absolute path name, and in that way specify exactly where you want the file to be saved. It is all part of the I/O system API.

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ls | sort -r Use ls command to list all files, in the present directory. Then pipe '|' the output of the ls command to sort -r. The -r option will reverse the sort.

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The temporary internet files are there in the same place as the directory of Chrome. They can be found out in the Program data.

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in winxp del *.* /Q /S

Install adobe cs5 master collection copied from program files on another PC?

No, you will have to purchase the program. CS5 and most other commercial programs install files in several areas, not just the Program Files directory. Even if you were to put all the files in the correct place, the copy protection would not let you run the program on a different computer.

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What is ls -latr?

ls list directory content-l long format, displaying Unix file types, permissions, number of hard links, owner, group, size, date, and file name-a lists all files in the given directory, which names begins with .-r Reverse the order of the sort.-t sort the list of files by modification time.This lists the most recently modified files at the end of the listing. ls -latr is a convenient way to see what has changed recently in a directory.