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Q: Packets of shredded money
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Related questions

What happens to old money?

It is either recycled, or shredded and sold.

How is money destroyed?

Banks send bills back to the federal reserve and the bad bills are shredded.

How is bad money destroyed?

Banks send bills back to the federal reserve and the bad bills are shredded.

How much money is shredded each day by the federal reserve banks?

75 million dollars a day

Data is transmitted on a network in pieces called?

Packets Words

Is shredded newspaper O.K. for a Russian Dwarf Hamster?

Shredded newspaper is fine to use for bedding for any hamster, but if you think you hamster is slightly uncomfortable you can always add some real hamster bedding, it will save you money. :)

Is shredded an adjective?

Yes it can be (e.g. shredded documents, shredded wheat). The word shredded is the past tense and past participle of the verb (to shred) and can be used an adjective.

What contain wheat?

Wheat is a major ingredient in such foods as bread, porridge, crackers, biscuits, Muesli, pancakes, pies, pastries, cakes, cookies, muffins, rolls, doughnuts, gravy, boza (a fermented beverage), and breakfast cereals (e.g., Wheatena, Cream of Wheat, Shredded Wheat, and Wheaties).

Why is it important to refrigerate shredded carrots?

Shredded carrots are processed

Shredded cheddar cheese comes from where?

From a block of Cheddar that is shredded.

Is there cellulose in shredded cheese?

Yes there is cellulose in shredded cheese.

When was Shredded wheat created?

Shredded wheat was created in 1893.