A traffic signal is controlled by a control box on the side of the intersection, the control box receives data from electromagnetic sensors under the pavement, and that data is processed by amplifiers inside of the box and the traffic controller makes the appropriate decision on what to do. So to answer the question, the traffic light is a decision made by the traffic controller which is a output.
Light Pen is an input Device.
Light Pen is an input Device.
In Light Emitting Diodes when electron jumps from one state to another state it emits some energy in the form of light. And the light will be different for different type of semi conductor materials used for making for it. So, in conclusion Light in LED is a result of output process.
output cuz it got swag
input device
Light Pen is an input Device.
Light Pen is an input Device.
Light Pen is an input Device.
is an omr and input or output device?
Input device.
both input r output
Normally it is an output device. However a touchscreen monitor is both an input and output device.
A light bulb is an output device. It receives electrical energy and converts it into light energy.
The monitor is an output device......
The full form of MICR is Magnetis Ink Character Reader.
It is an input device.
A printer is an output device. The keyboard is an input device.