Science and technology have changed the lives of people today by widening the view on life. As in science, we have evolved from what we used to think was right. An example would be the earth, we thought that the earth was flat but we later found out it was round. And also for technology, television and the radio have brought us culture.
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Technology is the tools and techniques made by humans based on our understanding of natural phenomena to help us perform tasks necessary to our lives and wellbeing.
it is helpful for it help people get to the living standard of today and technology enhancments give us better health it is helpful for it has helped us get to the living standard of today, also it gives enhancements in health.
Cost control, technology helps saves cost by replacing human task. Revenue Generation: technology helps generate income, especially for those that have made discoveries. Security: technology has help us improve our technology.
yes its because science help us
Advance Technlolgoy will be give us security and will make our work easy. US government running an advance technolgoy programe.
it help us by the technology that we are using today
by developing new modes of communication
to get around and guide you through life.
technology means senescent day by day science help us to improving man life stile's its also help to improve the technology of art
Science is used widely to help explain what the human eyes cannot see or help us understand how something works. Technology was invented to aid us humans in production of certain things or for calculation such as wheels and calculators. etc. anyway, technology is invented just to make our lives easier.
Yes. Our science provides us with tools and theories that becomes our technology. Our technology allows us to measure the Universe we live in and create tools and even more technology. It's a spiral effect.
Science and technology affects our daily life today because it helps us know things and it also helps us understand things around us. Science and technology are interreleted. Science deals with understanding while technology deals with doing. Science helps us to know how to do something more efficiently.
Science and technology keep us warm and dry, and protect us from predators such as snakes and manta rays.
it depeds on you how science is helpful
advance technology