Socialization is the main thing you can get from the society.
Yes, because transportation is dependent on the society. Improvement of the transportation system is dependent on the society.
An effect is what happens after you do something. For example, if I spill a drink , the effect would be the drink spillling out the cup . Another example , if I broke a plate, the effect would be my parents punishing me.
postindustrial society
Australian Computer Society was created in 1966.
produce more advanced designs
Ivan Sutherland
Pulleys cannot effect society, effect is not a verb you bozo.
The Aztecs were a part of the ancient society. Currently, this ancient culture has no effect on modern day society.
Peter Robert Cook has written: 'Point-based mathematics and graphics for CADCAM'
Yes reading the bible has a very large positive effect on the society as a whole.
it destroyed the British society
it diosn't
It has no effect at all.
yes it does