On a cisco router you would go into privilege-exec mode (enable) and then into "configure terminal" mode. From there you can use the router rip command.
privileged EXEC
router>enable router#configure terminal router(config)#line vty 0 4 router(config-line)#password cisco router(config-line)#login to configure router with telnet you must set up password or secret for privilieged mode.
the router is assigned an ip address.
IP address remains the same. Mac address changes from router to router.
On a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routingOn a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routingOn a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routingOn a Cisco router, the command to enable IP routing (for IPv4) is:ip routingTo disable it:no ip routing
You need to disable SSID broadcasting and enable wireless security.
User enable. router> enable router#
Change default passwords, disable broadcasting of SSID, enable security (N type if possible).
no i believe it is Enable
enable secret password supersedes the enable password.
You have to enter the router's encryption key, or disable the encryption on the router itself.
Disabling stuff on your computer may be dangerous and could create problems. However, enabling may slow down your computer. There are many enable / disable you can do on a computer, for example; start up programs, effects, services and more. The best thing is to google what you want to enable / disable on your computer. There are many tweak programs out there which tell you what the option is for and if to enable / disable it.
Disable the security option in the wireless settings.
Which three parameters must be configured on a router in order to enable SSH? (Choose three.)
It is certainly possible to disable certain internet websites. You can sometimes do this in the settings of your router.