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To get rid of an account and create a new one is a simple process. You will need to click start, go to control panel, click user accounts, click add user, decide their local settings etc, then you should be able to back out and delete the account you are currently on if that's what you wish. You can then logout and login under the new user based on what you setup.

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Q: How do i log out of origin?
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tom dunsdons dad and mum log log log log log log log in my buttt

The log of a quotient is the log of the numerator divided by the log of the denominator?

Not quite. The log(x/y) = log(x) - log(y) In words, this reads "The log of a quotient is the difference of the log of the numerator and the log of the denominator."

The log of a quotient is the log of a numerator divided by the log of the denominator?

For a quotient x/y , then its log is logx - log y . NOT log(x/y)

If log a equals x and log b equals y what is log?

"Log" is not a normal variable, it stands for the logarithm function.log (a.b)=log a+log blog(a/b)=log a-log blog (a)^n= n log a

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log(x) - log(6) = log(15)Add log(6) to each side:log(x) = log(15) + log(6) = log(15 times 6)x = 15 times 6x = 90