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Q: Computers are useless they can only give you answers?
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Can computers design algorithm?

No. Current computers may appear to be able to design algorithms, but they can really only give pre-determined answers setup by the programmer.

Why do you only supply answers to mostly useless questions?

People usually do that because those questions are the easiest.

What technology was introduced in the 1970's?

the internet could now be used by home computers, only thought a useless luxury

Can human beings better than computers?

actually they are better!!! the computer can do only what you have programmed it to do , and if you programmed it wrong , then it will give wrong answers! no human will not know what 1+1 equals, but a computer may give you an answer like -8!!!

Why are computers considered idiots?

because artificial intelligence of computers are only in there primitive form. Computers are currently only as good as the people can program them to be. Transferring human intelligence into a computer is very complex. Humans are not correct all the time. So does this mean you have to teach the computer to give wrong answers? maybe just the ability to learn. the Turing test is an example of measuring machines ability.

Do you give decent answers?

Only if you ask decent questions

Does answercom have all the answers you need?

no it freakin doesnt

What 3 and 4 answers add to 426 (give 2 answers)?

well I only have 1 awnser (1000-574)

Why don't you give crappy answers?

Why would we answer like that?.... we answer to improve your knowledge. :) If we give low-quality answers, they would only be deleted or changed, so there is no need for us to waste our time giving bad answers.

Why can't WikiAnswers ever give you an answer you want?

WikiAnswers only gives you the truth of the question. Whether not it was the answer you were looking for or not. WikiAnswers tries it's best to give the best answers, and a lot of times, those answers are good ones. But, there are some flagged answers, that may say something inappropriate, and that is not what we are about. We are a Q and A site, trying to give the best answers we have. And we will try to give you the answers you want.

Will you give me Keyboarding class demo?

This is not YouTube. We don't give demo classes here, only answers to questions.

Why is WikiAnswers the most useless website ever?

WikiAnswers is definitely NOT the most useless website. WikiAnswers is very useful, and can only be very useful through the work of your volunteers (users). WikiAnswers is useful mainly for those generic, mind boggling questions, and not the complex, detail oriented questions. Keeping questions as simple as possible will make WikiAnswers the most useful site ever. WikiAnswers is only useless through the eyes of those who are not patient and do not get immediate answers, and/or their question is not on the site. because you don't ask the IMPORTANT questions Wikianswers is not useless, it's just the contributers that are useless.