If the above is decimal then in hexadecimal it is 2964492C2. If it is binary then in hexadecimal it is 7DA. If it is octal then in hexadecimal it is 49241208.
It is used because it is easier to convert to and from binary to hexadecimal than decimal, and it uses less characters than binary. For instance: decimal: 65535 hex: FFFF binary: 1111111111111111
Hexadecimal number system is a number sytem with a Base of 16. The 'regular' system which we use every day is base-ten (decimal), with the digits 0-9.Having a base 16 system makes it easier to represent values of computer memory, as computers deal in binary (base 2), where every value is either one or zero (on or off).With hexadecimal, the digit values range from zero to fifteen, so symbols are needed to represent ten, eleven, ... fifteen as single digits. The letters A through F were chosen, so:A represents tenB = elevenC = twelveD = thirteenE = fourteenF = fifteen
The decimal system we normally use is base 10. That means that each position has 10 times the place-value of the digit to the right of it.Binary is base 2. Hexadecimal is base 16.
dude! seriously?! if it binary then it is 54. Hexadecimal it is 1114384. octal it is 36939. depends what base you consider it. you can take any base you want.
It equates to 26 in hexadecimal.
16 is the 4th power of 2. So a hexadecimal number is converted to binary by replacing each hex digit by the 4-bit binary number having the same value. Conversely, in converting binary to hexadecimal, we group every 4 bits starting at the decimal (binary?) point and replace it with the equivalent hex digit. For example, the hexadecimal number 3F9 in binary is 1111111001, because 3 in binary is 11, F (decimal 15) is 1111, and 9 is 1001.
1101111010101101 in binary is equal to DEAD in hexadecimal.
Each 4 bits of binary can make 1 hexadecimal digit. There are 16 hexadecimal characters including zero. This can be shown by the equation 2^4 = 16.
Octal and hexadecimal numbers are useful for humans as they compactly represent binary numbers:each octal digit represents exactly 3 binary digitseach hexadecimal number represents exactly 4 binary digitsFor example, instead of trying to read (and remember) the binary number 100111001001 it can be represented as hexadecimal 0x09c9 or octal 04711 which are easier to read (and remember) for humans.
Each 4-digit string of binary digits is equivalent to 1 single hexadecimal digit.
Okay, I'm pretty sure that 864 binary is 30 hexadecimal. - RG
If the above is decimal then in hexadecimal it is 2964492C2. If it is binary then in hexadecimal it is 7DA. If it is octal then in hexadecimal it is 49241208.
the binary system is base 2 and the hexadecimal system is base 16
Assuming the original was in binary, the answer is 36.A
The binary representation is : 1111011001
Binary(1010) = Hex(A)