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Q: Can turtwig learn vine whip
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When does chikorita learn vine whip?

If you breed a Chikorita, Bayleef or Meganium the hatched Chikorita should know Vine Whip.

Were to find a Pokemon that can learn vine whip in emerald?

find a bulbasar

What level does Meganium learn vine whip?

Meganium does not learn vine whip. Meganium learns other grass type moves such as razor leaf, magical leaf, petal dance, and petal blizzard.

What level does Bulbasaur learn vine whip in red or blue or yellow?

level 13

Can chikorite learn vine whip?

Yes Chikorita can learn Vinewhip but it can't learn it naturally, it can only be taught Vinewhip through breeding.

How do you make a whip on RuneScape?

To make a whip on RuneScape, you need to have a level 90 Crafting. You will need a Abyssal whip (or its uncharged version) and an Abyssal vine, which can be obtained by using a whip vine on a regular vine which can be found in the Edgeville Dungeon. Use the whip vine on the Abyssal whip to create the Abyssal vine whip.

Which Pokémon has vine whip on Pokémon sapphire?

the only Pokemon that can learn vine whip by any method in generation three are the bulbasaur family, the bellsprout family, tangela, and the chikorita family, none of which are availble in Sapphire

What moves does weepinbell learn?

weepinbell learns vine whip sleep powder poison powder toxic

When does turtwig learn magical leaf?

Turtwig is able to learn Razor Leaf at level 13.

What level does turtwig learn energy ball?

turtwig does not learn energy ball

What moves does bulbasar learn in Pokemon Yellow?

it learns razor leaf and vine whip and when it evolves into venasaur it learns solerbeam

When does Bulbasaur learn vine whip?

I have a Bulbaur too! it learns it at level 13or14 mines 73 a Venasaur!Keep going!!!