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shift, delete, backspace, tab, caps lock

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Q: Besides enter name a key on your computer that has a word on it?
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Where can you type an outline besides Microsoft Word because I don't have it?

on another computer. sorry.

What is the word that computer cant save as a file name?

my computer

Is the word computer a pronoun?

No it is a noun, it does not name a specific computer o_O

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You can't space on the computer on spy island?

At the BAD hideout, enter each word of the password separately and hit enter. Laser (enter) Hair (enter) Removal (enter). This will activate the transporter, which your character will have to use as well.

What does each letter of the word computer stand for?

The word 'Computer' is not an abbreviation. Computer just basically means a device that computes, hence the name, Computer. For example, a person that does realty is known as a Realtor, therefore, that was how the name adopted.

What are the pass codes for spy island?

the first is LASER the second is HAIR the third is REMOVAL *At the transporter computer, enter each word separately and hit "enter."

A word for writing computer software?

The work for writing computer software is programming.Programming is a name for writing computer software.

How do you delete the on a word page?

press the backspace button on your computer. it is located right above the \ and enter buttons :) hahahaha

What do you write when doing lanch sequence on

first you type in fuzzybunny then hit ENTER the second word is on the launching computer

Is word besides a compound word?

Yes besides is a compound word. The words are be and sides.

What is my favorite thing to eat?

If you have a tamagotchi, go to, and enter your PC login code (shown on your tamagotchi), and there you can play and have fun collecting items. When you are done playing, enter your logout code on your tamagotchi (shown on the computer), and go to (pass-word), on your games icon. Then enter the codes given on, and enter them into your tamagotchi. If you have a tamagotchi, go to, and enter your PC login code (shown on your tamagotchi), and there you can play and have fun collecting items. When you are done playing, enter your logout code on your tamagotchi (shown on the computer), and go to (pass-word), on your games icon. Then enter the codes given on, and enter them into your tamagotchi. -Nikita Kaur