The person who uses computer is called USER.User is also the term used in GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE.
Computer Science person
you call them a computer tech
This is mostly a matter of etiquette and personal preference. Computers are designed mainly just for one person, and it is quite hard to get work done online without someone watching over your shoulder and telling you where to click, what to say to people, etc. But there are times when a person wants another person to help them, or it is a matter of showing someone what is wrong with the computer.
just link the data line of the new computer
for JUST one person....
no i am a computer that gives awnsers
No your not its just a computer robot
No, cleverbot is not a real person. cleverbot is just the computer generated system. cleverbot talks to thousands of people at once and one person can only talk to so many people. CLEVERBOT IS JUST THE COMPUTER HOWEVER REAL IT MAY LOOK(just to put it bluntly)
Zezima is not a computer program. The person who asked this question obviously hasn't done any research at all.
Well its not the computer its self, you can basically learn anything you want through google, just by searching it, your the person who controls the computer though.
Just ignore them. Its just a computer, what is the person on the other end gonna do? Caps lock you to death?
no i am you but in a computer
The Person Involved in the development of computer is The Person Involved in the development of computer
To record a person singing, a person will need a type of camcorder or digital camera that has sound capabilities. Another way to record a person singing is to use a webcam on the computer and a microphone that can be connected to the computer.
a person who makes computer games