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Q: Are PC Cards interchangeable with ExpressCards?
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Are PC ExpressCards interchangeble with PC cards?

i really have no idea, im sorry

Are PV ExpressCards interchangeable with PC cards?

No.No PC Express Cards are not interchangeable With PC Cards.PC express cards have new technology than PC cards.But you can easily get an adaptor or converter to allow you to use PC express card as a simple PC card.

Are PC Express Cards interchangeable with PC cards?

No PC Express Cards are not interchangeable With PC Cards.PC express cards have new technology than PC cards.But you can easily get an adaptor or converter to allow you to use PC express card as a simple PC card.

Can you use an ExpressCard card in a cardbus slot in a PC card slot?

ExpressCards are not backwards compatible with CardBus or PC Card

Are PC cards hot-swappable?

Yes, PC Cards are hot swappable.

What widths are PC Express cards?

Pc express cards usually come in with 5mm width

In PC cards what does PC stands for?

Personal Card

Can you use an express card in a PC card slot?

No. A PC Card is a small card slot that is usually found on a notebook. It is really rare that it is on a desktop or tower computer. An express card is a type of a PCI card that fits in a slot in the motherboard.

If you have gigabit network cards in your PC the internal network will be faster.?

If you have gigabit network cards in your PC the internal network will be faster.

Do PC cards give internet?

PC Card modems do exist.

What do notebook and net books use instead of PC cards?

Back in the days there were PCMCIA cards, and now there are ExpressCards (which as far as I know can run on PCI Express buses). But nowadays those laptops (and laptops in general) are becoming rare as the industry shifts to all-in-one laptops with touch screens and tablets. Although some laptops are still being made, but most manufacturers are getting rid of the expansion card concepts as USB3 reports faster speeds than the expansion card types mentioned earlier.

Does Walgreen's carry kindle gift cards?

Yes. I have bought them there. If they are out of Kindle cards, you can buy cards. They are interchangeable. You can use Kindle cards to buy anything on Amazon and you can use Amazon cards to buy any Kindle books.