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The ability to reuse the same code at different places in the program with out coping it.

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Q: Advantages of procedure oriented programming
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How is it different from the procedure-oriented programming?

How is what different... Please restate the question.

The main emphasis of procedure-oriented is on algorithms rather than on data?

the main emphasis of procedure oriented programming is on algorithms rather than on data

What does object oriented and procedural mean in programming language?

procedure oriented means program will be execte in step by step procedure,when comes to object oriented means every thin can be represents the object a step[ step procedure doesnot follow

What do you mean by procedure oriented programming?

A list of instructions telling a computer, step by step, what to do.

What is the different between c and c plusplus?

C is a procedure oriented programming and C++ is a object oriented programming.C++ is a superset of C.

What is first procedure oriented language?

The first procedure-oriented programming language is considered to be Fortran (short for Formula Translation). It was developed by IBM in the 1950s for scientific and engineering computations.

What kind of language is C programming?

C is a general purpose, procedure oriented (procedural) programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972.

What does an object message correspond to in non-Object oriented programming terms?

A call to a procedure from your main routine.

Define procedure oriented programming?

The procedure oriented programming (POP) approach focuses on creating and ordering procedures or a block of code keeping in mind to accomplish a specific job. The key features of this kind of approach are: use of procedures, sequencing of procedures and sharing global data.

Why do you need objects in Java programming?

Object-oriented programming provides several advantages, including code re-use and code robustness.

What is problem oriented language?

a program generation activity aims at automatic generation of a program.The source language is a specification language of an application doamain and the target language is typically a procedure oriented programming language.A program execution activity organized the execution of a program return in a programming language on a computer system.Its source language could be a procedure oriented language or a problem oriented language