A sequence diagram in a Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a kind of interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart. A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams typically (but not always), are associated with use case realizations in the Logical View of the system under development.
Class diagram is UML diagram describing static structure of a system on the (lowest) level of classifiers (classes, interfaces, etc.). It shows system's classifiers, their attributes, and the relationships between classifiers.The following nodes and edges are typically drawn in a UML Class diagram:ClassInterfaceInterface RealizationRequired InterfaceAssociationGeneralizationDependency
Component and deployment diagrams are different UML diagrams. They both show components - but at different levels.Component diagram shows components and dependencies between them, interfaces they provide (implement) or require, classes that realize component. It has no deployment nodes - as deployment diagram does.Deployment diagram shows deployment architecture of system - how components and artifacts are deployed to nodes - execution environments and devices.Though we can show dependencies between components both on component diagrams as well as on deployment diagrams, but we are not showing implementation of components on deployment diagrams as we do on component diagrams.Note, that in UML 1.x deployment diagrams components were directly deployed to nodes. In UML 2.x artifacts are deployed to nodes, and artifacts could manifest components. So, on deployment diagrams components are now deployed to nodes indirectly through artifacts, and generally speaking in UML 2 deployment diagram could show only nodes and artifacts, and no components.
For any data flow diagram first look at the existing processes. Student registration, class selection, professor/teacher class assignment, testing, grading and I am sure the list goes on. Once you have provided the beginning scope of the software by pruning the list of existing processes you can then develop a list of documents and communications that are used to transfer information and authority to others in the system. It is these documents and activities that are data flow items. The entities that are involved in sending or receiving these same communications are nodes in the system. Of course this is cursory and very general answer.
ER diagram is Entity Relationship Diagram which shows relationship between different entities in a process.... Data Flow diagram is a symbolic structure which shows the flow of data how it is used in diff stages in a particular process....
ER diagrame shows the relationship among entities.
context diagram shows the system under construction as a single high-level process and then shows the relationship that the system has with other external entities (system, organizational groups, external data stores, etc.)
The entity relationship diagram shows the relationship between different things via a diagram. The diagram on a matrimonial website can help to show if the partners are compatible.
A context diagram shows the system as a single process with interactions between it and external entities, while a diagram 0 (also called a level 0 data flow diagram) expands on the context diagram by breaking down the system into more detailed processes and data flows within the system itself. The context diagram provides an overview, while the diagram 0 provides a more detailed look at how the system functions internally.
Stakeholder relationship diagrams are diagrams that show relations between organizational units. It highlights the hierarchy in a business and shows the relationship between workers and various departments within the organization.
The answer to this question is Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
Architecture diagram shows the relationship between different commponents of system. This diagram is very important to understand the over all concept of system.
Mapping Diagram
A context diagram of an enrollment system typically shows the system as a central entity, surrounded by external entities such as students, administrators, courses, and possibly databases. It illustrates the interactions between the system and its external entities, without detailing the internal workings of the system.
Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams are drawn when designing a database system, After the systems specification, an ER diagram is drawn showing the conceptual design of the database, this diagram shows the type of information that is to be stored in the system and how these information associate with each other (e.g. one-to-one, one-to-many, etc).ER Diagrams are simple and easy to understand, thus, this diagram can be shown and explained to user representatives for confirmation and approval.use of er diagram
This will depend on what you mean by ER diagram. This could be an entity relationship diagram that shows how to maximize your business intelligence.