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Q: A basic ethernet frame contains how many pieces of information?
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What information is in an Ethernet header and trailer?

The Basic Header contains information about the source of the message. The Application Header contains information about the message type and the destination of the message. The contents of the trailer block include both user information (checksum, message authentication, proprietary authentication, and so on) and system information (delayed message, message reference, possible duplicate message, and so on).

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The basic operation of collision detection in Ethernet is to allow any station to send a packet whenever it is ready. This transmission is known as unslotted ALOHA.

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Encyclopedias are a good source for basic information on a wide range of subjects. They provide concise overviews and explanations on various topics. Online sources like Wikipedia can also serve as a quick reference for basic information.

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It is when you tell your observations in your project

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There are way more than 4 things - and even "basic" things - a computer can do with two pieces of information. For example, add, subtract, multiply, divide, get the remainder of a division (modulos), compare, boolean AND, boolean OR, boolean XOR, exchange the two values.

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The purpose in one purchasing a computer kit is that the kit contains all the basic components of a computer. You can build your own computer with the pieces which one already has purchased or will be purchasing.

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Explanation: The Deoxyribonucleic acid contains information that instructs the cells to combine together to form a heart. The basic structural and functional unit of life is cell

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A basic compound that contains nitrogen, such as a purine or pyrimidine. A basic compound that contains nitrogen, such as a purine or pyrimidine.