and LOTS more!!
A coputer console
With Internet access there are many different sites that offer fun and interesting games for a lot of ages. Do a search in your major search engine or have your parents help you find a site where many games are free and interesting. Also Google Chrome (browser) has a Google Chrome Store where many games can be played directly through the browser and for free.
go buy a cat fom pc world and then they will give you a free ddos coupon for you so you can pwn some 12 year old
Serial no. C8172
The average height for a 12 year old is 4'11" or 5'0".
Only on the head. A 12-year-old boy kissing a 12-year-old girl on the lips is nasty.
does he like 12 year old girls
Yes they can but ew!
It depends on if the 12 year old girl is fertile, And if the boy can ejaculate sources: I'm a teenager.
Why yes!
No. 100 is fat for a 12 year old girl. 140 is chewbacca mode.
if a 3 year old can then so can a 12 year old
Sure he can!
what does nz mean and again a 12 year old girl can be anything she want it is up to her .A 12 year old girl can be better than a 20 year old man
That will be nice.