There are 1024 kilobits in a megabit, so 384 kbps divided by 1024 equals .375 mbps.
This looks like the dimension of a high definition computer screen - 1366 pixels wide and 768 pixels high. A pixels is defined as a picture element.
0.27439022064208984375 GB. I took it in steps of 1024, meaning that there are 1024 KB in 1MB, and then 1024 MB in 1 GB. Therefore 287719/1024/1024=0.27439022064208984375 GB.
The best resolution to be used for ones computer screen is 1024 x 768 as computer screens are getting larger, the larger the resolution the better the visual data.
In general, that is a relatively high definition photo. However, the thing that really determines what quality you need is the context. A question like this really can't be answered without any context.
1024 is the width of a monitor in pixels and 768 is height ofa monitor in pixels(It show the resolution)
The number of columns (1,024) and rows (768) of pixels that comprise the image.
This is called "resolution." It is typically two numbers, such as 1024 by 768. This is the width and height of the screen in pixels.
The 1024
There are 1024 kilobits in a megabit, so 384 kbps divided by 1024 equals .375 mbps.
That varies, depending on the resolution and the size of the screen. In a typical case, you might have a resolution of 1024 x 768 (where 1024 is the width) pixels on a screen that is about 10 inches wide; so you get roughly 100 points per inch.
pixels do not go into megabytes. Kilabytes do. There are 1024 kilabytes in one megabyte. 1024 megabytes in one gigabyte and 1024 gigabytes in one tetrabyte.
each kilobyte is 1024 bytes. so: 1024 kilobytes * 100 = 102,400 bytes
A 1024 × 768 display.
This looks like the dimension of a high definition computer screen - 1366 pixels wide and 768 pixels high. A pixels is defined as a picture element.