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Q: Set up a Business Internet Connection?
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What is difference between dial up internet connection and broadband internet connection?

The main difference between dial-up and broadband Internet connectivity, lies in the speed of access granted. The broadband option is quite the opposite of dial-up technology with regards to the time taken to access telephone connection, protocol synchronization and data transfer.

do you need a internet provider to be able to use wi fi.?

Yes In most town houses and apartments and condos there are enough people already paying for internet service.If your laptop or pc is set up for wiifi you will automatically pick up a signal and be on line for free. It is up to the person paying for the service to put a password protection on it or it becomes a public connection and anybody can leach off of it for free.

'How do you get connected to the internet without a contract with an Internet Service Provider isp?

It is possible- but tough to do that. YouWikiAnswers - Answering 'How do you get connected to the internet without a contract with an Internet Service Provider isp?' would have to literally set up your OWN ISP provider- which would take a lot of equipment. Routers and Modems do not connect to the internet- especially since the internet is very spread out- rather they connect to an ISP which then forwards to an Internet HUB- if you are in Florida or Georgia- the Hub is in Atlanta for instance- and ultimately- this connection allows you to browse the internet. Without an ISP- I'm not sure if you would have an External IP address- and likely you would have to connect directly to any website you wanted to. It is possible- but the amount of energy and money it takes would leave you probably bankrupt- it is better just to get an ISP contract.

Where can one get business phone deals?

Any telephone service provider should be able to help with a business phone set up. AT&T however has special rates, payments, and set ups specifically for a businesses needs.

What is the difference between the dial up connection and direct connection?

The difference between a dial up connect and a direct connection is that a dial up requires a connection from a phone line to a PC and the data capacity is smaller. A direct connection can transmit large amounts of data at higher speeds.

Related questions

How do you set up a wireless connection on a PS3?

you need to set up your wireless router with your internet connection to your computer, and then search for an access point on the ps3 under internet setting, under set up connection, then just follow the instructions from there

What is an Internet ready computer system?

a computer that you dont have to set the internet up on but is already set up

What do you do before you set up the Internet connection?

buy PSN

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How do I set up a wireless internet connection in my home?

In order to set up a home wireless internet connection, you must have broadband service and a wireless router. After connecting your router, use your computer and the router's instructions to set up your network.

How do you set up an internet connection in SUSE?

The internet connection is actually through your default gateway router. Just make sure your network settings point to that router to get an internet connection.

How do you set up wireless internet on a PS3?

To set up wireless internet on your PS3 first make sure that you have a wireless network with a internet connection. Go into the XMB and choose Settings>Network Settings>Set Up Connection. Follow the instructions on screen making sure you input valid information. Submit and your PS3 should now be connected to the internet with a wireless connection!

Do you need an internet connection to set up an Xbox One?

The initial setup for the Xbox One gaming console obligates an Internet connection.

How do you set up Internet connection not using Internet explorer?

Internet connections are not done through the browser. Step one is to set up a connection in the network connections folder. Step two is to open your browser, like Firefox, and surf the web.

How go online PS3?

First you have a PS3 set up to a TV. Then you have an internet service. Then you purchase devices to allow the PS3 to connect to the internet like WiFi routers or Modems or an ethernet cable and a router or modem to connect it to. Then you go to the settings menu of the PS3 for internet connect and complete the set up for an internet connection. Without internet service and connection devices an online connection is not possible. The PS3 has WiFi which only means that it can connect to your WiFi internet service that you have set up. it does not mean you get an internet connection without having access to an internet service

How do you start the internet in mandriva?

Go into the Mandriva control center, and go to network. Then click new connection. Set it up to your internet connection and you are done!

Can I set up wireless internet on PS3 without a computer?

Yes you can if you have access to a wireless internet connection. The wireless connection or wired connection can be made if you have an internet connection and you can purchase a connection without a computer. However in general most locations (For example homes) without a computer do not have access to an internet connection. You will know if you have a wired connection because you are paying for it every month. For a wireless connection you may live close enough to a free wireless provider. Go to setting on your play station and at the bottom of the choices is one for network connections. After you click that try to set up an internet connection. The PS3 will search for wireless connections in the auto mode choice that will come up after the machine determines that you do not have a wired connection. Even if the search finds a wireless connection you may not be able to access the connection without a password, however if you can then you have set a up connection to wireless internet.