Most people hate to record a greeting on their answering machine almost as much as they hate to leave a message on someone else's answering machines. In all actuality it is much less difficult than what most people assume it is. In just a few simple short steps you can have your message recorded on your machine.
Step 1: Decide what you want your greeting to say. Do you want your message to be just a recitation of your number? Do you want it to be business like? Do you want it to be funny? Do you want your name recorded on it? Make sure that your recording is not offensive to anyone.
Step 2: Write it down on a piece of paper so that you have a script. Read from the script so that you say exactly what you want to say. Do not give out any information on your recording that you don't want everyone who calls to know. For example: Do not say you will be gone from a certain time to a certain time or will return on a certain date and time etc. These are not safe messages.
Step 3: When you are ready to record your message make sure there is no background noise to distort the sound of the recording. Speak clearly and audibly.
Step 4: Remember to keep it short and simple. Remind the call to leave their name, short message and their number so that you can call them back as soon as possible.
Step 5: Play back your recorded greeting and make sure it sounds suitable to your ears and that you can hear it and understand it clearly. Make sure the greeting is not overly long as most people will hang up before they reach the end of a long greeting.
Step 6: If you are a single female consider the option of having a male member of your family or a friend record the greeting for you as an extra security measure so that people do not assume you are a female alone by yourself.
When recording your greeting try to remember that people from all walks of life might listen to your greeting. Be as courteous and pleasant as you can be as you never know who might actually call your phone in your absence. If you promise to return their calls it is best if you truly try to do so not just ignore the messages and hope that the caller will forget that they called you.
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Templates for answering machine greeting, while not really templates can be found on many websites. Among them are Buzzle, Operations Tech, TV Ropes, and Get Great Voice Overs.
One can find information on how to create birthday greeting cards from any of a number of online greeting card sites such as 1800ecards and American Greetings online.
a answer machine is to keep answers on there and its for when u dont answer the phone and a fax machine is for your fax
hit earase dip. if there is none unplug it and restar it
An answering machine would be very important because if someone was not available to answer calls, the person calling could get frustrated. So basically, it is good to have so people can know what to do whether its important or not.
Templates for answering machine greeting, while not really templates can be found on many websites. Among them are Buzzle, Operations Tech, TV Ropes, and Get Great Voice Overs.
Answering machines permit us to get the answers or important information when we are not in the state or busy to attend the phone calls. One of the chief considerations in recording an answering machine greeting is your audience. Who will be listening to your answering machine or voice mail salutation? Is this a business line or a home phone line? Furthermore, just how much information do you want to give out to potential strangers, like telemarketers, who may be calling your home?
Answering Machine Music was created in 1999.
Yes it does include an answering machine.
How do I transfer a voice on answering machine to a recorder
Many companies create phones with an integral answering machine. Some examples of these companies include 101 Phones, Access Lines, and any major phone company such as T-Mobile.
An answering machine is simply a machine. A robot is also a machine, but it is capable of many complicated, self directed activities that are programmed into it.
The cast of Answering Machine - 2004 includes: Karine Vasconcellos as Her
Yes, the TalkToMe app will allow your answering machine save the messages to a computer.
No the Unidon phone answering machine would not be compatible with voip services.The phone may work with voip service but the answering machine wont. No voip service is compatible with any answering machine because voip has built in voice mail and an answer machine can't pick up.
An answering machine records incoming messages from callers when you are not available to answer the phone. Calls are directed to the answering machine after a certain number of rings or when you manually set it to do so. The recorded messages can then be listened to or retrieved at a later time.
Usually because it is set to pick up the phone line after the same number of rings as the answering machine...