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Breach Notice


Dear _______________:

You are hereby notified that you are in breach of our Agreement, attached as Exhibit 1.

The said breach results from _____________________________________________.

You are hereby notified that unless the said breach is remedied within the applicable cure period of the date of this letter, then we reserve the right to exercise any and all remedies available to us under the terms of the Contract and in law.

You are further notified that we require _______________________, failing which we reserve the right to exercise any and all remedies available to us under the terms of the Contract and in law.

Yours very truly,


Enc. Exhibit 1, the Agreement

Breach Notice

Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This notice is generally of a tactical nature, to promote compliance by the other side. Usually one calls first and follows up with a formal notice. However, if you wish to extricate yourself from an agreement, a breach notice can offer cover to retreat tactically and often with the least damage to yourself.

1. Make multiple copies. Fax and email if possible to underscore the fact time is of the essence to cure and/or to make the issue seem serious and worthy of your withdrawal from the situation yourself. Keep a copy with the transaction file.

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The three day notice is also called "Fix or Quit". Which means in 72 hours you need to fix the breach, or quit the lease. If you pay the rent and the landlord accepts it, your leasehold continues. If you attempt to pay the rent and the landlord refuses it, keep a record of the date, time, and place (you may even wish to bring a witness with you). Refusing the rent, shows the landlord did not follow through properly on the 3 day notice to fix or quit. You chose the option to fix the breach but the landlord rejected it. While this may not fix the eviction, it will look better for you in housing court.

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Is it a breach of contract if a tenant does not give in writing their intentions to renew a rental agreement?

Only if the signed Lease states that written notice is required to renew. If it does not then you would need to take a look at your local landlord tenant laws / rights