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Q: Would text in the of a letter be better as size 10 or size 18 and Why?
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Would text in the body of a letter be better as size 10 or size 18?

size 10 because size 18 would be informal and too large to read. Also you want to keep the letter at least a page so yepsters :):)

What would increase the font size of selected text?

Highlight the text. Then click on the font size tab and select the size you want. Or click on a button that has an bigger letter with an arrow pointing up that is next to a button with a smaller letter with an arrow pointing down...

What is the thing called the changes the physical size of the text?

The feature that changes the physical size of text on a screen is called the font size. It allows you to adjust the text to be larger or smaller for better readability or aesthetic purposes.

How do you change the size of the text on a webpage?

You would use <font> Example: <font size="3">

What is it called when you repeat a word 3 times in text?

an alliteration A better answer would be repetition. It's only alliteration if all 3 words start with the same letter

What does grow font mean?

"Grow font" typically means increasing the size of the text in a document or on a web page. This command allows you to make text larger for better readability or emphasis.

How do you read text sms?

you usually minus the vowels or say the letter. u would be you. text-vowl=txt

Get a guy to ask you out through a text?

Possibly not a good idea. Not the most flattering way to be asked out. It would be best to ask the guy out face-to-face, but if that is impossible, a letter works well. There aren't so many words you can write in a text that say your true emotions. A letter is better for if you don't see te guy much, but it's really better to ask him out person-to-person. Never ask guy out through text idiot. God. n00b

To increase the size of text which button would you click on the Home tab of the Ribbon?

If you hold Ctrl and Shift and then press the > key, text will get larger. Ctrl - Shift and the < key will reduce the size.

Which tool would you use to change the format of text to 20 points in Excel?

To change the format of text to 20 points in Excel, you would use the Font Size option located in the Home tab on the Excel ribbon. Select the text you want to change, then click on the Font Size drop-down menu and choose "20" from the list of available sizes.

If you told a guy you were not going to text him anymore and if he wants to talk he can text you first what would he think if you texted him first after saying that to him?

You must have had good reason to tell him that if he wanted to text you he would have to text you first so keep your word and do not text him. Even if you like him a lot it is better to wait if he cares enough about you to text you.

What is Microsoft Word text size?

11 is the default text size in Microsoft Word 2007.