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A business letter is for the purpose of communicating specific information and that information should be clearly stated. Comprehensive should not mean lengthy or densely written, it should mean that all information for the communication is included but nothing more. Trying to include too much or using too many words can be confusing to the recipient and may camouflage the purpose of the letter.

A business letter should be comprehensive but concise.

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Q: Why should you write a comprehensive business letter?
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Who can write and receive business letter?

Anyone who can read and write can write a business letter. Even a small child can have a business matter to put into writing. Of course a minor should have a responsible adult overseeing their business correspondence, especially a business letter received by a child. A business letter can be as simple as requesting a bus schedule; confirming your arrival date at a resort or hotel; including a cover letter with a late payment; advising any business about an excellent experience with their service or employee; or about any less than satisfactory service or employee. A business letter communicates any business matter no matter how big or how small. A business letter also serves a documentation of a business matter, not matter how big or how small. Always keep a copy for yourself.

How to write Sample letter to new customer?

When writing the letter, you want to thank the customer for their business. You should also let them know how you can be contacted if they ever have a problem.