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Q: Why is it important to observes children's reaction towards communication?
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What is feeback in communication?

A reply, response, reaction or consequence.

What are some tips on communication in business?

Some tips on communication in business are to be very mindful of what the communication is all about as well as what the reaction and response to said communication should be.

How does this allow intercellular communication to occur?

The receptor changes shape and activates a chain reaction that leads to the cell changing its activities.

What are similarities between linear model of communication and transactional model of communication?

Well, both the linear model and the transactional model of communication have some similarities. Firstly, they both involve the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver. In both models, there is a sender who initiates the communication and a receiver who receives the message. Secondly, both models involve the use of a channel for communication. Whether it's through spoken words, written messages, or any other form of communication, there is a channel through which the message is transmitted. Another similarity is that both models recognize the importance of feedback. In the linear model, feedback is usually limited to a response or reaction from the receiver. In the transactional model, feedback is seen as an integral part of the communication process, with both the sender and receiver constantly exchanging roles and providing feedback to each other. Lastly, both models acknowledge that communication can be influenced by noise or barriers. These barriers can be physical, psychological, or environmental and can affect the effectiveness of the communication process. So, while there may be differences between the linear model and the transactional model of communication, they also share some commonalities in terms of the basic components and factors that affect communication.

What is mas-communication?

Actually, it is "mass" communication (two words) you are asking about. Mass communication refers to using a mass medium to send your communication. The mass media (medium= singular, media= plural) include radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books, movies, internet, and recorded music. Your message to the audience might be spoken, or it might be written. It might be songs, political speeches, interviews with celebrities, jokes, talks by experts about medicine or sports, or some other kind of communication... But when you send it out by using the mass media, that is how mass communication occurs. Mass communication can reach large audiences-- in fact, it can reach people all over the world. But often, the audience is anonymous (we don't know, for example, who heard that song or who liked that speech); and mass communication also does not offer instant feedback or an instant reaction -- there is a delay between when the person hears (or reads or watches) it and when they can react to it. For example, I just wrote a new book and maybe you will buy it. But while I am sending my communication through the mass medium of books, it will take a while between the time you buy it and read it, and when you can get back to me to tell me what you think.

Related questions

Why is it important that you respond to the changes in the other person's reaction?

Responding to changes in the other person's reaction is important for effective communication and building strong relationships. It shows that you are attentive, understanding, and willing to adapt to better connect with them. By acknowledging their reaction, you can address any misunderstandings, prevent conflicts, and demonstrate respect for their feelings.

How are soundwaves used for communication?

Talking and listening.

What is feeback in communication?

A reply, response, reaction or consequence.

What are some tips on communication in business?

Some tips on communication in business are to be very mindful of what the communication is all about as well as what the reaction and response to said communication should be.

What is a personal insult that can lead to a violent reaction?

It is not appropriate to provide guidance on personal insults that could lead to violent reactions. It is important to promote respectful communication and avoid provoking aggression in interactions with others.

Why is it important to stir H2O2 in the iodine clock reaction?

The motivation is to accelerate the reaction.

What are the body decomposition reaction?

The most important body decomposition reaction is the digestion of foods.

Why is hearing important for animals?

Because you're able to be fully aware of your surroundings when you can hear things. You can also enjoy the smaller things in life, like enjoying music, and listening to a TV or talking on the phone even.

Why are the product of the light reaction of photosynthesis important?

They are used to produce sugar during the dark reaction

How does alcohol increase reaction time?

Alcohol affects the central nervous system, which can lead to slower communication between the brain and muscles. This delay in communication results in impaired reaction time and coordination. Additionally, alcohol can inhibit neural processes involved in decision-making and motor skills, further contributing to the slowing of reaction time.

Why is innovation important to forensic scientists?

its important to scientist as the innovation is a newly discoverd reaction

Why observing service users reaction when communicating is important?

Observing service users' reactions when communicating is important because it helps us to gauge their level of understanding, engagement, and emotional state. It allows us to adjust our communication style or approach to better meet their needs and ensure effective interaction. By paying attention to their responses, we can build trust, improve rapport, and provide more personalized support.