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Because she thought that he had died a long time ago.

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Q: Why is Penelope so hesitant to greet her husband?
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How do you contact NCR Corporation for pension benefits?

My husband took a payout back in ? when NCR first offered one. We were married for over 20 years but were divorced at the time, I am married again; he is not. was I entitled to any of that money. If so is there any chance of getting it now ?

How would you ensure that your communication skills meets the needs of the individual and how often would you review this?

Effective communication is an ongoing process. Se;f-review should occur during each contact. Professionals should learn communication techniques which continually "check in" with the other person to make sure that the exchange is actually effective.For example, a Social Worker is helping a husband to plan long-term care for his wife who has just been diagnosed with dementia. The Social Worker has the belief that the husband wants long-term placement in a facility. The husband, however, tells the Worker: "My wife and I always said we'd stay together in our own home." The Worker should then use a technique to reflect back what she has heard the husband say. Reflection checks for inaccuracy /accuracy of what is heard. So, an effective exchange would be, "So, if I'm understanding you, you and your wife always planned to stay at home together." (Husband indicates yes.) The Worker should then follow-up with, "Has that decision changed for you since your wife now has dementia? Or, are you saying that despite the dementia, you would like to take her home?" The husband gives an emphatic, "Yes".Had the Social Worker not reflected what she believed she heard, she would not have understood the husband's correct wishes. Had the Social Worker proceeded based on her own beliefs, she might have erred and tried to push the husband to admit his wife to a nursing home.Some sentences or phrases that help to make sure you have properly understood a person would be:So let me see if I'm understanding you so far...(then repeat back what the other person said).If we stop for a minute and re-cap what we have discussed so far, you have said you.... (repeat the points the person made).It's important that I understand what you are saying. Tell me if I have this right... (repeat the points the person made).If I put everything you just said into a summary of a few sentences, would I be correct in saying... (then summarize the points the person made)?After reflection and checking communication for accuracy, you must allow the person to correct any inaccuracies in your understanding of what was said. If your first try contained inaccuracies, you must again reflect back the new information and check it for accuracy again.For example, the Social Worker begins:"So you and your wife had always planned to stay together. But now she has a diagnosis of dementia so you need long-term planning.""Yes," the husband says, "I love her so much; I couldn't live without her by my side.""Well, there are many facilities where the spouse can stay overnight to be together.""My wife has always had family around her. Our children, our grandchildren, neices, nephews...all of us together will help her.""So let me see if I'm understanding you. I had thought you wanted to admit your wife to a nursing home, but you want to take her home.""Yes!""And your adult children and others will be there to help you and your wife.""Absolutely! I'd never put her in a home--never!"Any error in communication means the conversation--and review--begins anew.Reviews may be more complicated and less direct when the conversation has a lot of emotions. A good example is a conversation between a therapist and client."So am I hearing you right that you hate your husband?"(The client pauses...) "No, I don't exactly hate him. But I can't stand him! He gets to go out with his buddies. I get to stay home with screaming kids! I say I hate him--but I do love him.""So, you're feeling he's not being considerate and you're being left at home to deal with everything while he goes out.""Yeah, and he doesn't even come home until early morning. Sometimes I wish he'd realize I'd like to go out once in a while too. We never go out together any more.""And that makes you feel hurt?"Reflection and re-checking for accuracy can go on until the last sentence spoken. The best communicators make their inquires seem like a natural part of a conversation, rather than repeating word-for-word what the other person has said.

How do you contact National Life and Accident Insurance company's new owners to file a claim for a life insurance policy?

National Life has been bought out by AIG, so you would have to contact them:

Which one is correct - 'communicate to' or 'communicate with'?

The theory of communication would have it that communication has only occurred when the recipient is aware of the message. In this sense, broadcast radio is possibly not communicating for at least some of the time.It is not necessary for the communication to be responded to. In wartime, often the recipient is not required to respond to the message - for to do so would reveal their presence.So to the Q. Whether one communicates with depends rather on whether there are two entities active in the process. An Advertiser communicates to. A husband would like to communicate with.

What are the communication failure consequences?

Communication failure is generally, caused due to many factors like using imperfect mode of communication, linguistic abnormalities and the so-called communication gap. Failure in effective communication may lead to misunderstanding or total failure in the expression of ideas. This may lead to bad effect on the listener as well. Sometimes, failure in communication creates dividing lines between two people e.g., silences between husband and wife may lead to misunderstanding and finally to divorce.

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What is Penelope first reaction to Odysseus in part 4?

Penelope's first reaction to Odysseus in part 4 of Homer's "The Odyssey" is disbelief. She is hesitant to believe that the beggar in her presence is truly her husband returned after so many years, and she tests him to confirm his identity.

Why was Penelope hesitant to receive Odysseus?

she was hesitant because it's been so long since she's seen him, she's not sure of its really him or not.

Why was Penelope so reserved and hesitant when she first saw Odysseus after all the wooers had been slain?

Penelope was hesitant because she had been deceived by men claiming to be Odysseus in the past, and she wanted to be sure it was actually him. She tested him by asking about their bed, which only he would know had been built into a living olive tree. Once she confirmed his identity, she was overcome with emotion and joy.

Why does Athena disquise Odysseus?

So that his wives,Penelope,suitors won't kill him when he returns home from the war/adventure,to reclaim his throne/home and become King and Penelope's husband again.

What caused Penelope to accept Odysseus as her true husband?

Penelope accepted Odysseus as her true husband after he revealed their secret knowledge of their bed, which he alone would know. This intimate detail convinced Penelope that the man before her was truly her husband returned from his long journey.

When did Penelope feel sure Odysseus was indeed her long lost husband?

When he successfully describes, in great detail, their marital bed as only penelope and odysseus had ever been in their bedroom so no-one else knew what the bed looked like.

What is a Penelope?

Penelope ( weaving with bark ) is the wife of far-flung Odysseus, fending off suitors until her husband's return. In myth, she is also the mother of Pan, by Mercury, some say, or by all of the suitors (!). So, a Penelope is someone who puts off making a choice, or who keeps faith in the teeth of pressure to be 'reasonable" and abandon it.

What is penelope?

Penelope ( weaving with bark ) is the wife of far-flung Odysseus, fending off suitors until her husband's return. In myth, she is also the mother of Pan, by Mercury, some say, or by all of the suitors (!). So, a Penelope is someone who puts off making a choice, or who keeps faith in the teeth of pressure to be 'reasonable" and abandon it.

Does Anna chlumsky have kids?

Yes - she has two daughters (with her husband Shaun So) Penelope Joan So, born on July 11, 2013 Clara Elizabeth So, born on July 28, 2016

What is a good fact about Penelope?

Fidelity. She had been faithful to her husband for so many years despite the rumor that Odysseus must have died and would no longer come back.

What tale does Penelope tell the beggar?

Penelope tells the beggar the story of how Odysseus had woven a shroud for her father-in-law Laertes, promising to choose a new husband once she finished. She would unravel the shroud at night to postpone remarrying and had done so for three years.

What is a good sentence for hesitant?

I was hesitant in accepting the candy from the stranger, but I didn't see any harm in doing so.