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Various issues can arise which an insurance company might want to talk about. These can include, late payment of a premium, a suggestion to increase your amount of insurance, questions about a change of beneficiary, questions about a claim, etc.

Edit from asker: Turns out in this case it was basically an up-selling endeavor. They basically ask a lot of questions and then recommend increased coverage in areas.
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Q: Why does farmers insurance sometimes insist on talking in person about your home owners insurance policy?
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Why do many organisations insist that staff reply to any complaints in writing?

So that there is a written record of complaint, response, and if the complaint involves an employee (with the employee responding internally to the company), how the employee will revise his/her actions to comply with policies or standards.

The post office stop delivering my mail and not tell me why?

We cannot help you - you need to contact the post office in person, and insist they explain why they've stopped delivering your mail. There must be a valid reason for them to stop deliveries to your address - and you have a right to know why.

Points that are needed for effective formatting of business letter?

THE ANSWER BELOW just gives a BRIEF w.r.t Formatting.. Pls search for more info on the 3 types of Formatting styles mentioned below!!! -- Thanks Writing an effective business letter is an important skill for every manager and business owner. In this brief overview we will examine the five main steps in creating an effective business letter. With this knowledge you can quickly amend and personalize business letters. Main Steps: · Identify your aims · Establish the facts · Know the recipient of the letter · Create sample Copy · Decide on Physical layout of letter. Identify your Aims:Clearly establish what you want to achieve from the letter- whether it is to win back a dissatisfied customer or to reprimand an employee. Whatever the aim, create your letter from these goals. Establish the facts:Make sure you have the relevant accurate facts available. For a late payer, this might include relevant invoices, complaint forms, talks with your sales department and any previous correspondence from the customer. Know the recipient of the letter:Write in the language of your recipient. Try to put yourself in the position of the recipient. Read it from his point of view. Is the letter clear or open to misinterpretation. If you know the recipient, use this knowledge to phrase the letter to generate your desired response. Create a sample Copy:Having established your aims, amassed the relevant facts with a conscious view of the recipient- write down the main points of your letter. Decide on Physical layout of letter.The physical appearance of a letter consists of the paper and the envelope. The first thing a recipient sees is the envelope. It is essential that it is of suitable quality with the name and address spelt correctly. Quality envelopes and paper suggest a professional company. It is wise to make sure the envelope matches the size of the paper. While you will use 81/2 x 11 inches(A4 size) sized paper for the majority of letters - a 4 x 6 inches(A5) can be used for specific shorter letters. But insist that correctly sized envelopes are used for this A5 size paper, allowing you maintain and convey an coordinated image. Technical layout of letter:The following elements will constitute the formal outlay. · Letterhead· Name and address· Date · Reference · Salutation · Subject matter · Communication · Signature · Enclosures Letterhead:This will include your company's name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address. Include your web address if available. Other information may be required depending on the legal status of your business formation. Contact your legal adviser for exact details. Name and address:Always include the recipient's name, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient 's name . Date:Always date your letters. Never abbreviate January to Jan. 31. Reference:These are optional. They are a good idea if you have a large volume of correspondence. These days modern word processors made this an easy task to complete and maintain. Salutations:The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. Always try to personalize the letter thus avoiding the dear sir/madam situation. Subject matter:Again this is optional, but its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Re: It should be placed one line below the greeting. Communication:This will contain a number of paragraphs, each paragraph dealing with one point and one point only. Signature:The signature should be clear and legible-showing you are interested in the letter and consequently the recipient. Your signature should also be followed underneath by a typed version of your name and your job title. Enclosures:If you include other material in the letter, put 'Enclosure', 'Enc', or ' Encs ', as appropriate, two lines below the last entry. A letter's style:Previously we created the main points of our letter, now we must transform this into a final version. To do this, four main considerations are necessary. · Format · Prose · Manner · Accuracy The former has all entries tight against the left -hand margin. The semi-blocked format sets the references and the date to the right margin for filing and retrieval purposes, with the remaining entries placed against the left margin. The indented format follows the same layout as either of the above, but indents each paragraph by five or six spaces. Prose:Clarity of communication is the primary goal. Don't use technical jargon if the recipient is unlikely to understand it. Short sentences are less likely to be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Be precise, don't ramble. Check each sentence to see if it is relevant. Does it add to the point ? Manner:Always try to personalize your letters. Always try to be civil and friendly even if the subject matter is stern and sensitive. Give the impression to the recipient that some effort and thought has gone into the letter. Accuracy:Once the final version of the letter has been created, polish it off with a final spelling and punctuation check.

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Do you have to have Medicare insurance?

By law, no, but Medicaid and/or your private insurance carrier might insist that you do so.

Can a Landlord dictate the amount of renter's insurance you get?

In many places, depending on the lease, the landlord can insist on the minimum amount of insurance the tenant has.

Can your employer insist that you carry full coverage auto insurance?

If your vehicle is being used for company/business purposes, yes.

Why would a contractor need liability insurance?

A contractor may insist on the notion of liability insurance in case any unforeseen incidents may occur, such as a roof caving in, so they can not be held accountable.

In Oregon do you have to have landlord insurance?

State rental insurance is optional as far as state laws are concerned. But many landlords insist that you carry Renter's Insurance for the protection of the unit and to benefit the apartment complex if intentional or accidental damage occurs to the unit.

Can a icici bank insist to take icici prudentiallife insurance policy for hiring locker in icici bank?

IRDA Official willbe able to answer this correctly.

Can an insurance company insist on fitting a used rear bumper on your Mercedes their client drove into you?

If the bumper is in excellent condition then yes they can use it to repair your car.

Closing attorney record two deeds put the wrong one in first place- title insurance is purchased what happens in NC?

You should contact the attorney who did the recording and the title insurance company and insist the situation be corrected.

If you have full coverage and your vehicle get stolen and the insurance would pay the blue book value do you have to pay for the rest of the loan?

You are responsible for the difference in what the car is worth,(Insurance Payment) and the balance of the loan. Insist the insurance pay you the NADA retail value of the car, not the Blue Book value.

What is the present tense of insist?


What does the New Atheists insist that?

Insist what? New Atheists insist everything other Atheists insist. The Denial of the claim there is a God by Theistic religions.

What is an antonym for insist?

An antonym of "insist" is abandon.