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The first reason you put a return address at the top of a business letter is good manners; the same as when you meet someone you tell them your name or if you're making a business phone call, you tell them who is calling.

The practical reason that you put a return address at the top of a business letter is so that a response can be sent. Even if the sender is not asking for or expecting a response, the recipient may have a need to reach you about something you may not be aware of related to the subject of your letter, or even to thank you.

If you send a letter to a business without a return address, your letter will not be given the appropriate attention or credibility if the recipient believes that you are trying to be deceptive or remain anonymous.

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Q: Why do you put your address at the top of a letter?
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How do you set up the outside of a letter?

I'm guessing your talking about the envelope first put the address you want to mail it to on the center of the front side then put a return address on the top left corner then put a stamp on the top right corner

When you want to let the reader of your cover letter know how to get in contact with you where do you do you include that information?

You can state your contact details at the top of the letter - as if you were simply writing to a specific person. Most people put their address and contact number at the top of a letter. It's simple courtesy, Its up to you (and highly useful) to include an email address.

Why do you have to have a return address on the top of a business letter?

The first reason you put a return address at the top of a business letter is good manners; the same as when you meet someone you tell them your name or if you're making a business phone call, you tell them who is calling. The practical reason that you put a return address at the top of a business letter is so that a response can be sent. Even if the sender is not asking for or expecting a response, the recipient may have a need to reach you about something you may not be aware of related to the subject of your letter, or even to thank you. If you send a letter to a business without a return address, your letter will not be given the appropriate attention or credibility if the recipient believes that you are trying to be deceptive or remain anonymous.

Where is the address located on a letterhead?

Depends on whether you mean the printed letterhead address. That would be at the top, in the center of stationery. If you mean the address to whom you are sending the letter, it would be on the left side, several lines separating that from the letterhead address on top. The inside address, you type the several lines for the name and address, then skip one line and put the date there, skip another line and put the salutation, "Dear Horatio," or Charlie, or whoever.

If i send a letter to a po box do I still need to put my address?

Regardless of where you send a letter, you need to put the return address. Without it, the post office has the right to not deliver it and put it the dead letter bin.

Related questions

Where do you put your address when sending a mail letter?

top left corner

How do you put an address in the top right hand corner on a letter?

no,it goes in the middle but if it is a return address then it goes in the left hand corner

How do you set up the outside of a letter?

I'm guessing your talking about the envelope first put the address you want to mail it to on the center of the front side then put a return address on the top left corner then put a stamp on the top right corner

Whose address do you put at the top right of a friendly letter?

You put your own address at the top. You do this so that way not only does the person you are sending the letter to know who it is, but also the postal service so they know who to send it back to if the receiver no longer is at that address. (Assuming the receiver's forwarding as expired...) You do it like this (in the top right): Your Name Your address Ex. John SmitherDoe 112233 Fake Address Drive, Somewhere, NY, 00000

What should you right at the top of a letter apart from your address?

Top left: your name and address Top right: the stamp Middle, middle: address of the person/corporation you're sending the letter to

Where does the address go on a letter?

The address of a letter goes on the top-left hand fo a letter page

How do you forward a letter to another address?

When you have to forward a letter onto another person that has come to your residence you cross out the old address and put the new address in and mail it (no stamp needed.) If you do not know where this particular person lives then put 'Does not live at this address.'

When you want to let the reader of your cover letter know how to get in contact with you where do you do you include that information?

You can state your contact details at the top of the letter - as if you were simply writing to a specific person. Most people put their address and contact number at the top of a letter. It's simple courtesy, Its up to you (and highly useful) to include an email address.

How do you address to write a letter to british embassy?

To write a letter to the British embassy you first put your address. Next you put the date you are writing the letter then the address of the British embassy before finally writing the content of the letter.

What should you write at the top of a letter apart from your address?

A business letter should have : top right - your address and the date top left - Reference nos (theirs and yours), their addressapart from your address you write the date.

Why do you have to have a return address on the top of a business letter?

The first reason you put a return address at the top of a business letter is good manners; the same as when you meet someone you tell them your name or if you're making a business phone call, you tell them who is calling. The practical reason that you put a return address at the top of a business letter is so that a response can be sent. Even if the sender is not asking for or expecting a response, the recipient may have a need to reach you about something you may not be aware of related to the subject of your letter, or even to thank you. If you send a letter to a business without a return address, your letter will not be given the appropriate attention or credibility if the recipient believes that you are trying to be deceptive or remain anonymous.

How do you send letters?

Get an address, buy a stamp and envelope, place letter in envelope, lick stamp, place stamp in top right corner of envelope, address written in the middle, return address top left corner. Then put it in the mailbox, preferrably with flag up.