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Memphis to Chattanooga to Richmond andVicksburg to Savannah


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Q: Which railroad lines did the north need to to cut southern communications?
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Which railroad lines were mainly north south connection?

Northern, Central, and Southern Pacific

Which railroad lines were mainly north-south connections?

Some of the main north-south railroad lines in the United States include the Illinois Central Railroad, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. These railroads primarily ran vertically, connecting northern states to southern states.

How did Confederate raiders hamper the North's war efforts during the US Civil War?

The South used its cavalry forces to constantly attack Union supply and communications lines. As Union troops advanced into Southern territory, their lines of supply and communications became longer and more susceptible to Southern raiders. As early as 1863, the Union had to devote one third of its forces to protect its lines of communications and to garrison conquered territory.

What is the northern and southern lines of latitude California?

Northern: 42 parallel north There is no southern parallel.

Does the abolitionists live in the south or north?

Yes, they helped organize the Southern routes for the Underground Railroad and secretly helped slaves escape to freedom in the North.

What woman served as conductor on the underground railroad freeing hundreds of southern slaves and leading them to safety in the north?

Harriet Tubman was one of them...

When was Due North Communications created?

Due North Communications was created in 1993.

When was North Pennsylvania Railroad created?

North Pennsylvania Railroad was created in 1853.

When was North River Railroad created?

North River Railroad was created in 1881.

When did North River Railroad end?

North River Railroad ended in 1881.

When did North Pennsylvania Railroad end?

North Pennsylvania Railroad ended in 1976.

When was Metro-North Railroad created?

Metro-North Railroad was created in 1983.