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Q: Which among the following is considered a line of sight communication medium?
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Communication among people is it interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is a type of communication, so communicating among people can be considered communication. It is interpersonal if it is face-to-face communication between two people. Some people would say it is interpersonal communication if it is between people who know a lot about each other.

What is communication and explain the types of communication?

Communication is an act of interchanging consents or thoughts or anything that you think or want to say to another person... commonly we can say communication is a two way process to bring two or more people to come together to interchange their thoughts with each other through verbal, written or gestural languages.Types of communication based on medium of communicating:A) Verbal communication: A communication is so called verbal communication when two or more people talk or use audio as a medium to exchange thoughts or intentions.B) Written communication: Mostly all the official documents are in offices are written communication. Written communication is mostly formal in nature. It includes orders mainly and is mostly used in offices.A written communication is a communication through written words, symbols, etc which could be understood by the receiver of the message as it has been mean to say exactly as the sender of the message wanted to express.C) Gestural communication: Communication using body language is known as gestural communication. For example, dance, winking, etc.Types of communication based on way of direction:A) Upward communication: A communication from lower level of an office to higher level of office is known as upward communication. It mainly includes replies and complains and suggestion from the lower level of an office towards the higher level of office management. i.e. worker>supervisor>departmental head>director.B) Horizontal communication: This kind of communication is based upon communication among people of same level. It mainly includes informal type of communication. i.e. peers to peers communication/ gosips...C) Downward communication: This kind of communication mainly are orders from the higher level of management to the sub ordinates to the lower level of the management. This takes place in written format mainly.Types of communication based on formal or informal ways:A) Formal: It is mainly through written medium of communication. It is mainly used in offices. These are not so interesting type of communications because these are mainly office related communication which mainly includes orders from managers to the sub ordinates and reports from sub ordinates.B) Informal: It is like a grapevine... its really sweet to hear bout type of communication... they are mainly gossips which is widely popular among ladies... ( even among Men)

What is the difference between interpersonal communication and business communication?

the communication between two person or communication among small group is called interpersonal communication. and the the interaction of two busniss parties is called business communication

Responsibility for communication among party members in Congress lies with who?

The WHIP system

Deffination of business communication and its main points?

Business communication' may be generally defined as the styles and forms of communication that are typical of and appropriate for business-environments, including both oral and written communication, among others. The main 'points' of business communication are many in number, but the most important include the following: communicate with appropriate formality; always communicate in a respectful manner; communicate effectively, whether that be 'persuasive' for a sales-situation or 'diplomatic' in a problem-situation; finally, strive to be brief and precise.

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Communication among people is it interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is a type of communication, so communicating among people can be considered communication. It is interpersonal if it is face-to-face communication between two people. Some people would say it is interpersonal communication if it is between people who know a lot about each other.

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Why should sign language be considered a communication barrier?

Sign language should not be considered a communication barrier; rather, it is a unique and valuable form of communication. Just like spoken languages, sign language allows for effective communication and expression among those who use it. It is important to recognize and respect different forms of communication, including sign language.

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Words are important to everyone. They are the basis for all communication.

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