There are many types of greeting cards. Every holiday and important event that one may have in a family has a card that would be appropriate. Words you may find in a greeting card are thank you, congratulations, and I'm sorry.
One can find information on how to create birthday greeting cards from any of a number of online greeting card sites such as 1800ecards and American Greetings online.
A person can buy colored greeting card paper at your local arts and crafts store or a big name store. If they can't find any there then you can also buy them online.
You can find free greeting cards online. has free ecards that you can send with a variety of events, such as birthdays and holidays. You can even send it early and it will deliver it on the day you want.
Most retail locations offer greeting card sections where you can find sympathy cards. Try visiting your local Wal*Mart or Hallmark store to find just what you are looking for.
Have you tried to google it
Online you can find lots of ideas. A good option would be check the following websites: Greeting Bee, Zazzle, MOO or Cardnotes. Moreover, you can find a free online greeting card creator on Juke Box.
There are many types of greeting cards. Every holiday and important event that one may have in a family has a card that would be appropriate. Words you may find in a greeting card are thank you, congratulations, and I'm sorry.
There are many websites online where you can find original greeting card messages. I suggest you try and also
You can purchase blank musical greeting cards at specialty shops. You can also find them online at various greeting card stores.
It does depend on what bank you are with. Check with them on their website or email them to find out whether they offer this service.
You could use greeting cards from Vistaprint and personalize them with your own design. There may also be a speciality card store in your area where you can order custom greeting cards.
One can find information on how to create birthday greeting cards from any of a number of online greeting card sites such as 1800ecards and American Greetings online.
I think, you won't get a new year greeting card in sanskrit in this whole world because I also need a new year greeting card in sanskrit and I have searched everywhere but could not get it. So, try yourself. I am also making myself.
Stores to buy nice birthday/greeting cards would come from places like Target, Wall-Mart ,Dollar tree. As long as it fits your taste you can find a card.
I would recommend to try going to Greeting Card Universe. They stock all different types of birthday ecards and greeting cards, even those for a 107th birthday.
To find any cards online I would say go to a hallmark website. Also you could look into online e-cards that you send through email. They have images or videos that aim to make people laugh.