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Q: When looked at by itself or in conjunction with something else can point to a vulnerability that an adversary can exploit?
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What when looked at by itself or in conjunction with something else can point to a vulnerability that an adversary can exploit?


When looked at by itself or in conjunction with something else what can point to a vulnerability that an adversary can exploit?

1. risk2. threat3. indicator4. critical information item

What is the probability that an adversary will exploit a weakness in what if your operation tempered by the impact to what if your mission?


The probability that an adversary will exploit a weakness in your operation tempered by the impact to your mission is defined as?

The probability that an adversary will exploit a weakness in your operation, tempered by the impact to your mission, is defined as the:A. Risk

The probability that an adversary will exploit a weakness in your operation tempered by the impact to your mission is defined as the?


What is the difference between an exploit and vulnerability?

The noun exploit means "a great accomplishment." Assuming you meant the verb "exploit", it means to take advantage of something. A vulnerability is a weakness that is prone to being taken advantage of. So, one may attempt to exploit a perceived vulnerability.

an adversary's capability is defined as his ability to do?

Acquire and exploit critical information

What is the difference between an expoit and vulnerability in information security?

A vulnerability is a weak point in a system. This implies a risk, especially to confidential information. An exploit is a means of taking advantage of the vulnerability and using it to take advantage of a system or network. Just because something has been identified as a vulnerability doesn't mean that it has been used to compromise a system. The presence of the exploit means someone has successfully used that weakness and taken advantage of it.

A countermeasure is anything that effectively reduces our adversary's ability to exploit our Vulnerabilities?


An adversary's capability is defined as his ability to do which of the following?

Acquire and exploit critical information

A countermeasure is anything that effectively reduces an adversary and ability to exploit our vulnerabilities?


Which of the following would not be a possible vulnerability or exploit that may lead to an attacker by passing the firewall?

Social engineering would not be a possible vulnerability or exploit that may lead to an attacker bypassing the firewall.