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Q: What is the pinciple of communication?
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Yes it the barometer calculates the temperature so their working together''according RICHARD pinciple''

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IF you use d'alemberts pinciple and it is aparantly, according to physics conserved in collisions, be they either elastic or non-elastic collisions

Which pinciple came much later than the roman republic?

The 482 years of the Roman Republic (509-27 BC) were followed by 503 years of rule by emperors (27 BC-476 AD).

Definition of consistency principle in accounting?

This pinciple of consistency means conformity from period to period with unchanging policies and procedures. It means that accounting methods adopted shouldn't be changed from year to year. It helps to eliminate personal bias and helps to achieve in comparable results.

Basic types of communication?

inerta communication inter communication mass communication group communication

What are the four types of communication?

Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication,Written Communication and Visual communication

What communication is communication with oneself?

intrapersonal communication

What are the different elements and areas of communication?

area communication is are non-verval communication,verval communication and written communication

What are the three formal communication flows found organization?

Communication can be categorized into formal and informal communication. The three types of formal communication are horizontal communication, upward communication and downward communication.